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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 67

Daphne’s Point of View

Caleb’s words shook me to my core. I know that I love him. I know that he is the person that I want to spend eternity with. I had never intended for things to get this bad, actually I had never intended for things to be bad at all. His words left me wondering if this is even fixable. Have I pushed Caleb beyond his limits?

Not only am I trying to process everything that is happening between Caleb and I, but now I have to deal with Alpha Noah, and probably his snobby wife. I had never taken into consideration when we gave him the right to rule the pack that I would also have to deal with her or Heather. Melissa would be torture enough to deal with but the thought of Heather being in this house or anywhere close to Caleb sets my blood to boil.

I was brooding on this when Hannah entered the kitchen. “Hey Caleb said that we need to set up a few things for the visiting Lunas, so I brought in my old scrapbook that shows some of the things we have done in the past, and then I seen your notebook by the door, so I grabbed that too.” Hannah is such a blessing to everyone, and we have grown so close since I have moved here. She is like a younger sister to me now. I never seen her as the scrapbooking kind of person, so I was a little taken aback and wanted to probe her about it. Plus, it was a great distraction from everything else.

“Thank you for grabbing my notebook, but I have to say I never thought that I would hear you say the word scrapbook.” I notice that Hannah’s face gets a little red.

Hannah looks down a little sheepishly before replying. “Well, you see when I was first brought here, I was worried about making a huge mistake and being sent back to my previous pack to be a slave. So, I documented everything that I could, even though Theo consistently told me that they would never send me back. For the most part I have not had to deal too much with other Lunas. Alpha Marcus did not have a Luna until he found Lola and he was our most frequent visitor. Your previous pack always sent ambassadors, and Alpha Jerome’s pack does not visit often.”

I look at Hannah with great doubt now. “If no other Lunas have been here then why do you have a scrapbook?” I was thoroughly confused.

“There have been a few Lunas that have been here. You may not recall because of your previous life and being sheltered but a while back there was an Alpha Nathan.” Hannah pauses to see if I have any knowledge of the event but unfortunately, I do not. “Alpha Nathan’s pack is to the south, near Klamath Falls. He did not ally himself with many other packs, preferring to think and believe that his soldiers were superior and could handle any threat. Well, there was a dangerous band of rogue wolves that infiltrated his borders and unfortunately Alpha Nathan lost his life before his warriors could stop them. Ultimately the warriors were able to defeat the rogues, but it cost them a great deal of their own soldiers as well as their Alpha. The Luna at the time was devastated but determined to keep her pack intact, her name was Sylvia. Luna Sylvia visited a few times after losing her mate, determined that Alpha Caleb was her second chance mate. When she failed to get him to accept her as his mate, she did try Theo. Alpha Caleb offered her an alliance, but she did not want a simple alliance.”

Hannah stopped and I wondered if that was the end of the story. “So, is she still the Luna of the pack? Did she find her second chance mate? Is she an ally of ours?” I fired off the questions in rapid succession causing Hannah to laugh.

“Slow down I am getting there. Sylvia did find her second chance mate; it was a man named Cole. Cole was a simple soldier in Alpha Jerome’s pack, he was much younger than her but showed great promise of being a great leader. At first everyone was thrilled that she found herself a second chance mate, they had a beautiful ceremony, and we did attend. Alpha Caleb happily welcomed Alpha Cole and again extended an offer of a treaty. Sylvia, I guess was not as happy as she made everyone originally believe. Now I only know the rumors surrounding everything but supposedly Sylvia tried several times to poison Alpha Cole. People say that she did not want to give up leading the pack on her own, and other people said that she was simply mad from losing her first mate. What I do know is that Sylvia ended up slicing her own throat with her wolf’s claws. So now Alpha Cole does command that Waning Moon pack, and yes he is an ally.” After finishing her story Hannah clapped her hands together. “Alright story time is over let us get down to business.”

“Wait, I have one more question about this. Did Cole ever find a second chance mate?” I was hoping for a happier ending to the story.


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