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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 69

Caleb’s Point of View

My eyes start to tear up from strain as I set the final documents for the night aside. I need to go to bed, everyone arrives tomorrow. On one hand I am excited to see Marcus. We have not been able to get together as often this year, and I miss his friendship. I shrug mentally noting that he and I both have mates now and that changes things.

A pang of guilt shoots through me as I think of my mate. For the past week I have been working very hard to ensure that this upcoming meeting runs smoothly. It is even more important now that I know that I am expected to host the Mabon Ball this year. Working long hours has not left much time for Daphne and I to sort out our issues. In an ironic twist with the way I have been working it is almost as if I am the one avoiding her.

Of course, this is purely coincidence. Yes, Daphne hurt me deeply, and I feel that we need to strengthen our bond. She still does not trust me fully, and I have no idea how to fix that problem. I vented to Theo who surprisingly suggested that we try couples counseling. I am not opposed to that, but when he suggested it the idea seemed on the extreme side. Perhaps he is right, and we do need some counseling.

Hannah on the other hand suggested that I whisk Daphne away on a romantic vacation. We never truly got a honeymoon, and I would not mind taking her someplace where we both would not get distracted. Unfortunately, though with this meeting, and the Mabon Ball being right around the corner, it is not an ideal time to leave. There is no easy solution. The downside of being an Alpha is putting the pack first always in the line of priorities.

Thinking of the Mabon Ball I will have to get Daphne and the rest of the girls to help pull it together. I am not worried though; they quickly made an itinerary for the visiting Lunas this week. I had expected ore of a fight from Daphne when I told her that Alpha Noah was going to be in attendance, but she took the issue with great strides. She is truly developing into an amazing Luna. Theo consistently praises her research with our particular wolves.

Maybe I am being too hard on Daphne. It has been less than a year since I turned her life upside down. Granted I have always seen myself as a sort of savior to her, but now I feel like I am acting like a beast. Why does this small woman have the ability to turn me completely inside out? I never used to question my decisions. I have always tried my hardest to be fair, and to keep my emotions in check when dealing with problems. With Daphne though it is always about feelings.

She makes me want to be a better person, for her. I want to give her everything that she could ever dream of, and then some more. I just thought that we were way beyond trust issues. Sighing in defeat I know that I need to go talk to her. It is late but perhaps she is still up. I turn off the desk lamp and leave my office, headed for the bedroom. In the short walk I try to mentally prepare myself to talk with Daphne.

Opening the door to our bedroom I am a little confused. I can smell her in here, but I do not see her anywhere. Just then I hear the soft click of the bathroom door closing. Daphne stops like a deer in headlights when she sees me at the door.

“Oh sorry, you startled me.” She begins to play with her hands nervously.

“Yeah, I was going cross eyed from staring at the final draft of the reports.” Great here is the opportunity for us to talk, and I am tripping over my words like a dumbfounded schoolboy. She does this to me though. Even now, even though I am hurt looking at her and knowing that she is nervous all I want to do is go and wrap her in my arms and tell her that everything will be fine.

“Scarlett and Hannah have been a huge help preparing everything. I bought the Lunas a few gifts and put them in their rooms for their arrival tomorrow.” She is still wringing her hands.

“You guys did a great job. Everything is going to go smoothly, thank you.” My words are sincere.

“Thank you, but I have to be honest the girls thought of almost everything.” Daphne looks down at her feet.

“Stop doing that please.” I tell her. She looks at me confused. “Stop denying yourself credit when someone gives you a compliment. I know that some of the ideas were yours, and I was being serious when I said that you have done a great job. It was a huge help to me, and I appreciate you for doing it.” She simply smiles and nods in acceptance.

“Daphne, we need to talk.” I can no longer stand the emotional distance that has grown between us. Even though we are in the same room, I feel as if we are worlds apart. “I hate this fight. You are my mate, and all I want is to make you happy.” I pause trying to make out the right words in my head. This is crucial to both of us, and I want to make sure that I get it right. “You accusing me of cheating, or even having that thought hurt me a lot.” I take a deep breath trying to steady myself. “I have put a lot of thought into the matter and perhaps I have overreacted.” Her head snaps up at my words.

“Caleb no you had every right to be angry with me. I was foolish, and I acted crazy.” Daphne is quick to spit out.

I hold my hand up to stop her from talking any more. “I will agree that you acted rashly. I have also come to realize that I need to be more understanding.” Feeling the weight of everything I finally stroll towards the bed and sit down. “Daphne, it has been less than a year since you and I were mated. Since that time, we have had several back-to-back events that have rocked us as a couple and rocked our pack. Between our mating ceremony, and Theo and Scarlett finding each other, and Scarlett’s pack joining ours I mean it has been insanely busy.” Daphne nods her head, and I can see that she is keeping up with everything that I am spewing out. I take a deep breath before I continue.


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