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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 77

Daphne’s Point of View

I could have strangled Caleb for disappearing with the guys. While I would have been perfectly content to sit and talk with almost everyone at the table, I was not happy that Melissa and Heather were still here. For a few moments we had peace, all of the ladies were getting along, and it was nice.

“This is boring we should go into the town and hit up the nightclub.” Heather’s nasally voice reached me.

“Oh, a nightclub, that could be fun girls.” Lola was a free spirit, and this does seem like something up her alley.

“We do have a rather early day tomorrow ladies, and I do not think that our men would find it a good idea to be out in the club so late. Heather since you are unmated perhaps, we could send a warrior with you and your packs Beta to the club instead?” I was relieved that Scarlett thought of a good solution. I would not be comfortable in a nightclub, especially without Caleb. Looking at Alma and Winona I can tell that the thought of a club made them uncomfortable as well.

“I do not need a Beta to protect me I can handle myself. Perhaps I should ask Alpha Cole to accompany me?” Heather thought out loud.

“Alpha Cole has made it abundantly clear that you are not his mate, and he is not interested.” The words slipped out before I could stop them. I hate that she turns me into this petty revenge seeking woman that I am acting like.

“In that case perhaps I should ask Caleb to go with me. Then he could see how a real woman would treat him.” Those words were enough to send me over the edge. I let out a roar jumping from my seat, no longer caring who else was in the room. I jumped on the table and shifted halfway through my jump. The table was buckling from the weight of my wolf, but I no longer cared.

I was seeing red, and all I could think about was snapping Heather’s neck. Every time that she hurt me ran through my brain and I ran towards her.

“DAPHNE DOWN” Caleb burst in at the last minute and demanded. I stopped my stalking unable to disobey his command. He has never used his Alpha voice on me, and it stung that he has now. Scarlett was kind enough to wrap a long tablecloth around me toga style as I shifted back into my human form.

“What in the hell is going on?”

“Why the hell is your feral wife attacking my daughter?” Caleb and Noah are both shouting. Heather is cowering and acting dramatic behind her mother. The entire scene is pathetic. Anger is still coursing through my body, and I am close to losing my cool again.

“SILENCE” Caleb was once again yelling in his Alpha command voice. Instantly everyone quieted, and no one dared moved. “Now that I have everyone’s attention, I would like an unbiased recount of what happened here.” Caleb was smart to say unbiased because it means that he does not want to hear from either Heather or me.

“Alpha Caleb if I may speak.” Surprisingly it was Winona’s soft voice that was requesting his attention. Although her and I are not close, I have no idea if she has any ties to Heather.


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