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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 78

Caleb’s Point of View

I followed my mate up to our bedroom. It was hard to hold my composure as we made our way up our stairs. As soon as we were in the room, she spun around to face me.

“I am sorry. I know that this gathering is important, and I know that it was one of the first that I was involved in as a Luna. I know that I have placed your alliance in jeopardy.” She was pouring out words so quickly it was as if she was running a marathon with them.

“Daphne stop” I tried to tell her.

“Look I will apologize if you need me to. I really do not want to but I will never do anything to put the pack in danger.” She was rather wound up and talking with her hands.

“Love please” I tried to cut in again.

“I know that they do not have our fighting forces, but I did not mean to cause a war. It is just she started talking and I seen red.” I could not take her rambling anymore. In two quick strides I reached her and cupped her face with my hands slamming my lips onto hers. It was an effective measure to shut her up.

Once I was sure that she was not going to continue to spew words like a volcano I slowly pulled away. Daphne looked up at me bewildered by the kiss.

“I have never been prouder of you, my love. I knew that having them here was going to be hard for you. I had not invited them originally; however, Noah pushed my hand in the matter.” I take a deep breath and allow her a moment to let my words sink in. I slowly seen the realization come to her eyes.

“So, you are not mad at me?” She asks me timidly.

“Hell, no love I am so proud of you, and honestly turned on. You have no idea how hot it was to barge into that room and see you in all your glory while Heather cowered back from you. You were so beautiful up on that table with your teeth bared and claws out. There was a huge part of me that wanted to take you right there in front of everyone.” I watched her face go into shock at my words.

“Caleb, I shifted in front of everyone.” She is mortified by her actions.

“No one seen anything love. Scarlett covered you before you shifted back. I promise my heart that your modesty is fully intact.” I am quick to reassure her.

“The other Alphas though Caleb they do not know my history. I will look like a freaking lunatic to them. Who is going to want to have an alliance with a pack that has a lunatic Luna? I just seriously messed up.” I quickly kiss her before she can go any farther. I know that she is worried that she somehow messed things up for me but in truth it was the complete opposite.


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