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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 10


Hannah had told me that the one way I could keep Hunter happy was through cooking so I’d tried cooking a few times for Hunter and he’d liked it.

I was excited. Today I was making him grilled chicken salad and a chocolate cake for dinner. Hannah told me Chocolate cake was Hunter’s favorite. The cake was too moist but it was tasty. I knew it was tasty because I’d dipped my finger into the cake icing and licked it.

I covered the food on the counter, wore my favorite mermaid t-shirt and jeans and applied lipgloss. Finally I settled down on the couch with Leslie and waited for Hunter. He was supposed to be home by nine p.m but it was past nine thirty and he wasn’t back yet.

I waited until the clock read nine forty and that was a little too much waiting. The food wouldn’t taste good when it wasn’t warm anymore.

An instant idea hit me. I packed all the food and placed it in a basket that I found in the kitchen. I was going to Hunter’s workplace to surprise him.

He would be happy to see me, wouldn’t he?

I felt excited with that thought. “See you Leslie.”

I knew where Hunter worked, he’d drive me there a few times and I knew the address by heart. It took five minutes by car and fifteen minutes by walking.

“Be a good boy, Leslie.” I told him, closing the door and locking it behind me.

I heard a few horns on my way to the cafe. One car slowed down and said, “wanna ride, sweetpea?”

Someone said “nice ass you got there.”

I wanted to thank him for the compliment but the car rounded the corner and disappeared before I had time to say anything. I glanced at my wrist watch. I had seven more minutes of walking before I reached the cafe. I smiled, imagining Hunter’s reaction.

Would he tell his co-workers that I was his girlfriend? I hoped so. I also hoped he would tell them that we kissed a lot so they didn’t think he was joking about the “girlfriend” part.

It was the first time I would visit the place myself.


I was dreading every second of every minute of this date. To say Stella was a bore would be an understatement of the year. I was suppressing a yawn every time she made an attempt to joke.

Instead, I took a sip of the chocolate milkshake as Stella continued to drone on about how Gabbie in English slept through the entire lecture and was slapped awake by the janitor in the evening.

Ha. Ha.

We were seated at the corner booth since we were both done with our duty. She and I both had changed out of our work clothes and I knew I still smelled of grease. Stella was wearing a maroon V neck blouse that was a little too deep for my liking. Her watermelon sized breasts were literally spilling out of her top and I wasn’t even tempted to keep looking. Her skirt was extra short and I knew she was desperate for my attention like a chimp craving for a banana.

She had her gooey eyes on as she sucked the life out of the milkshake straw. I was starting to wonder if she thought that was seductive.

So...what are you doing tonight?” She asked me, batting her fake lashes.

“Gotta complete some assignments.” I lied. Well, technically I had pending work but it could wait until the end of the year. She didn’t need to know that.

Stella pouted. “Oh,come on, Hunt. My parent are out of town.” She said suggestively.

First off I don’t shit where I eat. That was just against some of my rules, secondly, even if the idea of getting laid was tempting, I wouldn’t do it because my mind was fogged by a certain blue haired mermaid with blue eyes and luscious lips, her voice soft and feminine just like her body. And thirdly, for instance if I decided to keep my thoughts off the mermaid for a while and get laid, I’d still have Ryan kick me from the job because it was still against the policy.

And no piece of ass was worth losing a job.

I tried to think of a reason to politely decline her offer. “I just can’t.” I said finally.

Her face fell, but her hand closed around mine. “It’s okay. I guess we could hang out some other time.”

I nodded, taking my hand out of her grasp and fake coughed so I could use my hand as an excuse to cover my mouth.

This was going to be a long fucking evening.

“Hunt, would you be kind enough to take the trash outside?” My brother, Ryan yelled from the other side of the kitchen.

Disadvantages of being employed in the family business. There was no such thing as a ‘shift end’ or a ‘day off’. I kind of wished I was a normal employee so I had a fucking excuse to get a pay raise every time.

I walked straight to the kitchen and started pulling Ryan towards the back door.

“What are you doing?”

“Well, didn’t you ask me to take the trash outside?” I asked.

Bobby, the chef laughed and his laugher died when Ryan threw daggers at him. “Ha. Ha. I guess living a poor man’s life has diminished your sense of humor greatly.”

A snigger was heard somewhere in the corner. We always played this game. The ‘Let’s insult each other game’ it was fun until the one of us tried to rip each other’s throats. That was in fact part of the game. You get mad you loose.

“Poor and proud. I can still wear a fifty dollar suit and walk into a room full of pompous rich assholes like yourself and own the fucking show.” I grinned. “Not to forget woo the ladies.”

Ryan chuckled. “Past tense. No lady is going to be wooed by the likes of a man who gets kicked out of college frequently, gets arrested once a month and looses money faster than a gambler in Las Vegas. Trust me, women don’t flock around the fallen.”

That did it. He’d hit the nail. He was checking if I was going to burst into flames. I clenched my fist around the black garbage bag, stormed outside and dumped the contents into the dumpster when I felt a hand on my arm.

It was Stella. Her expressions mixed with worry. “Are you upset about what Ryan said?”

I was really not in a mood to talk. I inhaled from my nose and exhaled from my mouth. “Listen Stella, I know you’re worried, but it’s not the time to talk to me right now. Just leave me alone.”

“I know just the way to cheer you up.” She said in a seductive voice.

Before I knew what was going on, Stella took my hand in hers and slid it inside her shirt right up to cup her breasts.


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