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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 9


I had been so caught up in the moment that I had failed to notice that Blue was wearing a new dress. It was lemon color, showing off creamy shoulders. The dress was knee length that made her look cute as a button. She was also wearing lipstick. My heart began to flutter like a little girl chasing butterflies in a meadow.

“You look really nice in that dress, Blue.” I complimented her “Was it Hannah’s choice?” I tried to divert her attention from the little incident in the mall.

She just nodded as we walked together inside my apartment, her hand still in mine. She dropped her stuff at the door and settled down on the chaise. I placed the shopping bags on the floor, and turned to her. “Seems like you guys did a lot of shopping.”

Suddenly, Blue started sobbing again bringing her hand to cover her face. “I’m so sorry, Hunter.”

Leslie noticed that she was crying and was at her rescue. He continued to brush his body against her and pushed his cute brown nose to cheer her up.

I was by her side the very next second, kneeling down in front of her, taking her hands in mine. “Why are you apologizing?”

“I’m not a good girl. I’m always causing you trouble.” She sobbed. “I was just standing there with Hannah and then I saw the giant ice-cream on the shop so I walked towards it, but when I turned around, I couldn’t find her. I coughed Hannah trouble. She was worried for me.”

“I used to get lost all the time.” I assured her. “You’re still learning the human ways, it’s alright.”

She appeared a bit relieved about that piece of information, although I didn’t add that I was between the age of three to five when I got lost in places.

“You don’t understand, Hunter. It’s because I’m so clumsy that I ended up here in the first place. If I had been a little less of an idiot, I wouldn’t have been caught by those fishermen and you wouldn’t be looking out for me all the time.”

I kissed both her hands. It was instinct again, with Blue it was always instinct. I didn’t even have to try to pretend to like her. She was such a wonderful person. “If you hadn’t been clumsy, Blue, we wouldn’t have met at all. You could still be somewhere in the ocean, probably getting married with your then boyfriend and I would still be lonely.”

She reached out and touched my face. “Adrian is just a friend. And, I don’t like that. I don’t like the fact that you were lonely.” She continued. “Hunter, I wish I could have been with you a little sooner.”

“So stay with me.” I blurted out.

I didn’t know what I was thinking when I said that. Asking a mermaid to forget her marine life and live with a good-for-nothing like me? What did I even have to offer her?

“The ocean is my home. My parents would want me there. I can’t.” She made a choking sound. “I can’t live here forever.”

“Then just for a while. Please.” I had resorted to begging now. “I want you here, sweetheart. With me.”

She ran her fingers through my hair, and I wondered if she’d waited to do that for a long time. “A while. Three months?” She asked.

“Yes. That would be okay. I guess.” I agreed but my heart was breaking into pieces. Three months wasn’t good enough but I’d take whatever I’d get. It would be the best fucking ninety-one days of my life and I was going to make the best of it. I wanted to give her what she wanted. I would make sure she left with some beautiful memories and hoped like hell those ninety-one days would change her mind to stay with me longer if not forever.

I sat beside her on the chaise and she automatically crawled into my lap like it was the most natural thing to do. This time I didn’t comment, neither did I tell her that it was inappropriate behavior to crawl into someone’s lap you didn’t consider them as your boyfriend.

I thought she knew enough to realize that friends didn’t do this kind of thing. I mean, which friend would climb into their bed, let alone in their lap? Would you also stick your naked breasts against them during the wee hours of the morning? Unless, they had a “friends with benefits” kinda thing but I didn’t believe Blue was capable of thinking of that.

Perhaps she even did this with her mermaid boyfriend and ex-fiancé. It could be normal behavior for mermaids and I could be an idiot reading too much into this.

The thought of her in someone else’s arms made me furious.

I ran my hand through her aqua hair, the moonlight streaming from the window was making it glow as usual. She stayed cuddled into my arms, her right cheek against my chest. “Blue, can I ask you something?”


“Did you do this with your friend Adrian?”

“Do what?”

“Sleep in his bed, sit on his lap like you sit on mine.” I said.

She pulled her head away from my chest to stare at my face, her cheeks were turning a shade of red and she was looking at me like I’d spoken in Japanese. “Why would I do that, Hunter? Adrian is just a friend. Don’t be ridiculous!”

I’d made her angry. I caressed her cheek with the back of my hand. “You told me you were betrothed to him so doesn’t that make him your fiancé? If I were this Adrian, and if I found out you were snuggling up to another man, I’d come looking for answers. I don’t think I would like it very much.”

She blushed but made no attempt to get away from me. “I don’t have a say in what the elders and my parents decide, none of the mermaids do. We were betrothed even before we were born, but that doesn’t mean that I belong to him. It doesn’t mean anything unless we are married which we are not.”

I nodded feeling like a burden was lifted off me. I didn’t need to feel guilty about stealing someone else’s girl if that was the case. She wasn’t his. Blue had confirmed it. “And what am I to you?”

She appeared confused and she searched my face for the answer. “Well, you did say we were friends.”

So I was going to be friend-zoned by a mermaid?

How about a Hell No?

“Female Friends don’t sit on their male friends laps. A boy and girl who are friends never sleep in each other’s beds. We seem to be doing both. All the time.”

“Then what is our relationship Hunter if we are not friends?”

“We’ll find out soon enough.” I said and touched the crease forming on her forehead. “It’s nothing to worry about. Stop overthinking.” I messed the top of her hair.

“Hunter, is it okay if I kiss you?” She asked suddenly.

I nodded and offered my right cheek. She pressed her lips to my skin in a chaste kiss and then a little close to my lips, right at the corner of my mouth.

“Hunter, I watched a movie the other day on TV and the boy kissed the girl on the lips. I was wondering if we can...” she trailed off, her voice a whisper. “If we can do that. I mean, if it’s okay with you.”

I nodded without hesitation as she slid her hand behind my neck and pulled me closer and pecked my lips just like she did on my cheek.

I wanted more. That wasn’t enough.

I was being selfish and I didn’t care.

“That was nice.” Blue’s voice was laced with disappointment like she believed the movies were faking it.

I laughed. “Nice is not good enough, is it? Do you want me to show you “Amazing?”


I pulled Blue even closer, I hoped she didn’t feel how hard I was down below. “When I kiss you, part your lips a little and then you’ll just have to repeat what I do. Can you do that?”

She nodded. “Close your eyes.” I whispered.

I cupped her face in my hands lovingly as her eyes fluttered close and brought her mouth to meet mine.Blue opened her mouth a little so I took advantage of that and kissed her softly. When I knew she was getting used to my mouth on hers, I drew her bottom lip into my mouth and suckled it and repeated the same with her upper lip. Before I knew it, Blue was mimicking the kiss and god help me if it wasn’t sweet. Her lips were hesitantly moving, just doing what I’d done to her. Her sweet tongue darted out and licked mine. I moaned and delved my tongue into hers. With each stroke of my tongue inside her mouth, the kiss got deeper and deeper.

I heard her moan and sigh, “Oh, Hunter.”

It was the most erotic sound I’d ever heard.

Leslie on the other hand, threw a quick glance at us and faced the wall, showing me his butt clearly pissed that I was getting all the kisses.


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