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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 2


When I opened my eyes, I realized I was in a completely different place.

Where was I?

Suddenly, it came back to me in flashes. Coral, Oceana, my home, the sea and Adrian. I’d swam away from them and then some mean humans had caught me in a fishnet. I’d pretended to be dead and that’s why they’d left me on the shore.

I knew I was on human land. I shuddered and hugged myself as a sob raked my chest as I cried. I touched my cheek, this was the second time I was feeling the wetness of the tears on my cheeks. I was lying on something soft, a bed. That’s what it was and a blanket covered me. I’d read things about the human life and it had always fascinated me. Now all I wanted to do was to go back into the ocean; my home.

A small brown creature stared at me from the window. It looked fluffy and cute. His big eyes stared, and he padded towards me on fours. I was scared at first so I pushed back against the bed. The little creature licked my hand.

He was cute. The name tag said Leslie.

I looked around myself, inspecting the place. It was like a small room. My eyes drifted towards where my fishtail used to be which was now replaced by human legs. As soon as I was out of water, my body had taken the human form.

I sobbed some more. I missed my tail. How was I going to swim back home?

I cried even louder and there was suddenly a thunder outside, followed by lightning. It scared me.

What’s going on? Was I about to die?

Maybe for real this time?

Just then, something else moved. My eyes searched for it only to find that it was a human boy. He stared at me curiously and sat upright from his little bed. It was the same kind of bed we used for sitting, like a rock bed but this seemed softer.

I watched as the human stood on his feet and walked towards me. He was so tall, taller than even Adrian. His eyes were silver, the color of shining pearls and his hair golden-brown. His face was very handsome; his features were similar to the men’s description that the authors wrote about. I’d read about the romance novels in the sea about a mermaid rescuing a man from a ship wreckage and how the sailor falls in love. I’d loved that book, my friends and I had read that book over and over again and even dreamed of saving some valiant sailor from a ship wreckage but those had just been stories, but now that I was seeing an actual boy standing in front of me, I was frightened.

He took a few steps closer to me, I shook my head at him.

Don’t hurt me!

He took the shaking of my head as a sign to stop approaching and halted. “Didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry. I heard you crying and I thought maybe you were scared of the thunders. I tried to keep the windows shut but I guess it’s a really bad storm out there.” he made his way to the little window and closed it shut saying. “Damn these stupid windows. Need to get them fixed soon.”

The boy turned to face me again, he seemed concerned. “Are you feeling alright?”

I was still so shaken up with everything that had happened earlier today that I wasn’t even able to respond.

“Do you remember what happened to you?”

Before I could answer, understanding dawned his face. “Oh. Um, Can. You. Talk?” He asked in a slow deliberate way, drawing some conclusion.

“Do. You. Understand. English?” He spelled out each word for me and that made me look even dummer.

“I’m not deaf.” I said.

“Oh thank god.” He said relieved. “I was actually starting to wonder if you were.”

I sniffled, feeling a bit calmer than before. “Who are you?”

He scratched his head. “Um...I’m Hunter.”

That explained.

“You hunt fishes?” I asked him, the water coming out of my eyes again.

He gave out a laugh. “What?”

“You said you’re a hunter. Is that why you brought me here? I’m your big catch?” I started crying again.

“Whoa! Slow down, Tiger!”


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