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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 3


I hated the way Hunter was looking at me, like I was crazy. He touched my ankles and pressed it gently. “Does it hurt here?”

“No.” I shook my head.

He touched some other part of my leg, his expressions concerned. “Can you talk about what happened at the beach?”

“I don’t remember anything.” I admitted.

“Where do you live?”

“I live in the west side of the Ocean near the Palm Island. I was supposed to get engaged with my best friend but I didn’t want that to happen so I swam away and...and I realized I’d swam into the deepest end. I thought a shark was chasing me so I swam harder and then...” I knew I was getting hysterical, I still continued. “Some fishermen caught me in their net.”

“Uh-huh.” That’s all Hunter said.

He didn’t believe me!

I could tell by his expressions.

I didn’t even expect humans to understand me either, but it still hurt my feelings.

“Let’s help you on your feet for now, okay?” Hunter suggested. “Here, let me hold your arm.”

Hunter placed his arm around my shoulders and the other arm slipped around my waist as he pulled me up into a standing position.

“I can’t. I can’t stand...” I said.

But then suddenly, my legs had a strange sensation almost magical like they were finally getting a grip of the land. I felt better, the pain was leaving my feet slowly and I stood on my legs without much effort.

“Put your right leg forward and then your left. Keep doing it.” He instructed.

I tried doing it and once again I was thrilled how I could walk like humans. I’d been swimming all my life and now I could walk like them too.

I laughed, feeling so wonderful. “I can walk now!”

Hunter nodded and then he let go off me and walked towards the cooking area, folding his arms across his chest, he watched me. “Try walking until here. I will catch you before you fall. I won’t let you get hurt.”

“Promise?” I asked, glued to the spot where he’d left me.

“Of course.”


Blue seemed hesitant at first and then she started walking towards me in slow steps. Small steps, one at a time and she was doing it.I knew it had all been in her head, you know, since the poor girl had some kind of an mental disorder. It must have been sad to be alive in the world and not know what to do in circumstances.

For now, I probably looked like a parent of a one year old, waiting for my child to take the first baby steps towards me.

Daddy is waiting here baby, come to daddy!

I groaned. That sounded so wrong even in my head. I wondered what I’d signed up for the minute I’d picked her up from the beach.

Slowly, she took steps towards me and when she reached the counter, she smiled at me. A real, genuine smile. There were tears in her eyes. “Thank you, Hunter.”

And at that point, something riled up deep inside me. Why was she thanking me? She shouldn’t. She already knew how to walk, whatever happened to her earlier had probably just fogged up her memory. “Anytime.” I said.

Blue sat down on the kitchen stool and ate her sandwich in silence. She removed the top bread and ate it first, the ham next and the last bread followed after. She ate it all separately and I tried not to laugh but it was hard.

The next morning, I woke up to find Blue still asleep in bed. She was sleeping with her mouth partly open, snoring softly. She lay beneath the blanket that she was wrapped in last night. With her glowing aqua hair and her petite body, she was downright adorable. She would totally be game if circumstances were different and if she’d been right in the head and met me at some random bar. But Blue wasn’t normal. I gathered that much and it really was against my nature to have dirty thoughts about someone like her.

Someone so innocent and selfless.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes and gazed up at me with her clear blue eyes. Now that I looked closer in the sunlight, her eyes had a violet hue to it, they were a blend between blue and violet.

Why did she look so perfect?

“Did you sleep well?” I asked her.

She nodded, smiling and then ran her hand through Leslie’s soft fur. “He’s really nice to cuddle with.”

“Yeah. Careful, don’t fall for him though. He’s a ladies man.”

She giggled and then sat up straight and the blanket covering her front slipped down to her waist.

“Jesus Christ! Cover yourself, Blue!” I shrieked at her.

She flinched and pulled the blanket to her front. Her expressions told me she didn’t understand what the big deal was, like exposing boobs to strangers was normal behavior as normal as serving tea to guests.

“Listen up, Blue. I don’t know what they taught you from where you come from, but you don’t show your assets like that to men you just met, okay? It’s private. Very private.”

Blue stared at me in confusion. She tilted her head. “Assets. What assets?”

Oh come on.

“Your breasts and your...your...”

I’d say pussy, vagaina or some other words like that but it didn’t feel appropriate because it was her.

“Your dark triangle.”

“My what?”

“You don’t just let people see you naked like that. It’s something very private to you. Understand?”

“But I swam like this all the time and the men didn’t mind.”

Which planet were these men even from? Planet of Apes?

I had my bets she was a sex slave to some pervy old man. That could be a possibility, she ran away from him in some ugly circumstances and then hit her head on the rock bed and lost her memory. I knew I was drawing up conclusions, but there had to be some explanation to the mystery. I couldn’t leave her unclothed like that. What if my half-sister or any of my friends decided to visit me. They’d see a naked girl in my bed and call me a caveman outright.

I needed to do something. I dialed my best friend, Fred. He had a solution to every problem.

A few rings later, he answered. “Hey man.”

“Fred, I need your help.” I said, as I threw on a basic t-shift over my head. I balanced the phone on my shoulder as I made my way to the kitchen and pulled out a cartoon of milk, sugar and eggs.

“You need my help at nine a.m which calls for some emergency. Ex-girlfriend try to murder you yet?”

I knew who he was talking about.

I snorted. “I’m already armed if she tries anything. The last thing I need right now is a restraining order against her.” I prepared the batter for waffles.

“Don’t get too cocky. So what’s up?”

“Can you run an errand for me? It’s kinda urgent and I can’t leave the house until this matter is settled.”

“Tell me what you need.”

I cleared my throat. Bracing myself for his smart-ass comment that would follow. “Women undergarments. Bra size thirty-four and a few other things. I’ll text you.”


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