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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 35


Hunter placed a picnic mat on the floor with a basket filled with the food that the cook had prepared. It was a lovely place, the river banks; surrounded by lush greenery and a calm river. The sound of the birds added to the feeling, it was a good change from the city chaos. If Hunter wished we could stay here forever and I wouldn’t complain.

We’d gotten a perfect spot under the shade of a large tree. Hunter opened the basket and pulled out sandwiches and mini pizzas for the two of us. There was also a homemade cheesecake. I took a bite, the cheese, and the blackberries tasted heaven, so moist and gooey. I moaned and heard Hunter laugh. “She’s a great cook, isn’t she? Mary-Alix.”

I nodded earnestly. “Can she teach me to cook like her?”

“I’m sure she’d love to.”

“Can we stay here for a bit longer?”

“Do you mean the town or the river?” Hunter asked, grinning.

“Both,” I said taking a bite of the pizza.

“I have college in four days, love. The most I can push is a day forward. I also have some assignment I need to submit that I haven’t even started yet.”

“Assignment. Do you mean school work?”


“Well, I can help you with that.” I offered.

“Thanks, but I’ve also been absent for a lot of time and that’s not showing well in my academic year reports. If it continues, I’m afraid I’ll have to repeat the classes.”

We washed that down with an equally refreshing lemonade drink. I rubbed the back of his neck and kissed him there. “You’ll be fine.”

“If you’re with me, I’m sure I’ll be fine.” He said quickly.

The afternoon turned lazy, and the two of us lay on our backs staring at the sky above. I pointed at one cloud that looked like an animal. “Oh look, that’s a rabbit.”

Hunter’s eyebrows furrowed as he concentrated towards where I was pointing. “I don’t see it.”

“Look closely,” I insisted, “There’s the rabbit ears and his body.”

“Oh right, I saw it too.” He said but I wasn’t convinced he had. “Show me something you see.”

“You tell me what you see and then I’ll tell you what it is,” I said.


I pointed at a cloud, “What’s that there?”

“Hmm...a banana?” He asked innocently.

“Look closely, Hunter.”

“A boat, maybe?”

“It’s your penis.”

“My wife’s mind is in the gutter,” Hunter admitted.

I laughed and then he commented, “not that I mind as long as her mind stays in the gutter just for me.”

“Well, it will always remain that way,” I said leaning atop his chest. His arm went around my waist and he pulled me closer.

I felt his lips graze the top of my head. “I love you so much.” He said in a low voice. I loved how he would keep telling he loved me every now and then like he wanted to constantly remind me in case I forgot about it.

“I love you, too.”

“Blue, I know you’re not very keen on meeting strangers, but this town is small and everyone here is like a small family.”

“Hmmm...I’m listening.”

“The town mayor wants us to join his family tomorrow for a barbecue dinner. He’s been my dad’s childhood friend. Is it okay for you, I mean it’s totally fine if you can’t go, I’ll tell them—”

“I’ll go,” I said.

No matter how uncomfortable it made me to first meet strangers, it wasn’t that difficult now that Hunter was always beside me, like a shadow. Or like an imperial guard in charge to protect the Princess.

During the day of the wedding when I was getting ready for my big day, Hannah was jokingly saying about how Hunter loved me so much that he would literally worship the ground I walked on, which was a little too much and it made me giddy but when I touched him, looked into his smoldering gray eyes, I knew that it was the truth and so I’d decided I would go to the end of the earth if that’s where he wanted to go.

Of course, there was another part of me that kind of wished Hunter could shape-shift into a Merman so we could go into my world too.

We spent the rest of the afternoon touring the small town, Hunter showed me the little Bakery where he used to visit as a kid. The owners were an old couple who were so delighted to see me there, they ended up giving me two full boxes of homemade cookies which I couldn’t wait to eat when I got back to our house.

I remembered they had mentioned their last name, but I’d been so excited about all the sweets there, I’d forgotten about it.

“Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Cookies,” I said while I walked out the bakery.

They stared back in confusion and Hunter was laughing.

The moment we reached home, I opened the box of cookies and began devouring them. Jelly jam cookie, there was peanut butter, pumpkin chocolate, Oatmeal, Raisin cookie, chocolate chip and a few more but I forgot the names for it.

Hunter brought his mouth close to mine and I stepped back. He opened his mouth wide. I took a bite of my third Chocolate chip cookie and stared at him. “Why is your mouth open?”

He closed it suddenly and pointed at the brown bag in my hands, “aren’t you going to share?”

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

Even the sound of me biting into the cookies was satisfying. “They gave me the cookies. Not to you.” I reminded him.

“One bite,” Hunter begged.


My husband was begging, maybe I should let him have a taste. I reached into the bag and pulled out my least favorite one for him.

He shook his head. “I want to eat it from your mouth.”

Gross. Who did that?

Apparently, Hunter did.

He placed a cookie in my mouth and told me to keep a firm grip on it with my lips so I did that, next he brought his face close to mine, his fingers holding the back on my neck delicately as he tilted his face and nibbled the cookie slowly while it was still in my mouth, when he reached the end, he pressed his lips firmly on mine and when I opened up, his tongue swiped in and ate the remaining bit of the cookie.

“Hmm...tastes like chocolate chip, oatmeal, raisin, and peanut butter, all together. I love it. The cookie tastes better in your mouth.” He whispered before he deepened the kiss, I moaned loudly, circling my arms around his neck.

“Finish what you started...” I whispered softly.

The corners of his eyes crinkled amusingly. “We’ve been going on for hours last night, baby. You’ll get tired.”


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