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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 36


The entire fucking night, Blue wouldn’t let me touch her.


My wife had made her life mission to slowly torture me to death. I’d tossed and turned for a few hours thinking about all the things I could have done to her, but I’d brought this situation onto myself and it killed me not knowing how long she was going to torture me like this, might as well stab me with a knife.

I woke up to the sound of the shower turning on. I saw her chemise lying on the floor, and I instantly turned harder thinking of her and climbed out of bed. I decided to take my chances as I walked to the bathroom and tried the sliding doors but they wouldn’t budge. The glass was fogged up with the steam and her delicate nude form was partly visible.

I knocked on the glass door. “Blue...”

“Go away.”

“Baby, please let me inside.”

“I told you to leave.” She said adamantly.

What the hell?

I wasn’t really experienced a whole lot where marriage was concerned, but I’d seen my mom fight with dad at night and then when they woke up in the morning, it was almost like the fight even didn’t take place. Shouldn’t this situation be the same? Why was Blue holding it against me?


The baby.

My wife didn’t care about money, parties, heck, not even the diamonds. All she cared about was having a baby and I’d been a total douche-canoe and refused her the one thing she wanted the most.

What else could I do? She’d married a poor man, she knew that. She also knew how I had to study and work my ass off at the same time, and yet she couldn’t see the logic behind it. All that mattered was a baby.

“Blue,” I said softly.

The door didn’t open and I knew at that time that I wasn’t getting any pussy anytime soon. I was starting to feel sorry for my dick, literally.

I decided to give Blue some space, I knew she’d come around. I needed to sit her down and explain the situation again and pray that she understood. The chances of her understanding were nil. She was acting like a kid who had been denied their favorite candy, and throwing a tantrum was the only way she was going to get it.

We had the town mayor’s barbecue dinner tonight, it was casual night so I’d gone with a simple checkered shirt over jeans. Blue was wearing a lovely pink off-shoulder dress that made her look like an innocent angel. The dress complemented her creamy complexion. I watched her from the doorway as she tied her long hair in a pony-tail with a pink satin ribbon on it.

She caught me staring, blinked and then looked back into her reflection in the mirror.

This was our first fight as a married couple, and hopefully the last because truthfully it sucked.

“Blue, can we talk?” I asked.

“Can we have a baby?”

I blew out a breath. “I told you we can’t.”

“Then there’s nothing to talk about, Hunter.” She said in a flat response.

“Why is it so hard for you to understand? A baby is not a plaything or a toy. A baby comes with a lot of responsibilities, Blue.”

“I never said babies were playthings. We’re married. You told me that if we married, we could have a baby.”

“Is that why you married me? Just because you wanted a baby? Is that the only reason?”

“Of course it’s not. You’re aware why we got married.” She said and then her bottom lip trembled. “You killed my child.” She said quietly, trying to wipe her tears.

My mouth remained slack open. “What?”

“You gave me that pill yesterday and tried to kill my baby!”

I looked heavenward for the first time in months. “Blue, there’s no baby in there.”

“You’re a liar!” She said softly.

“Trust me, there’s no baby yet. I’m not lying. The pill prevents pregnancy, not kill babies.” I clarified again as I walked to her and placed both my hands on her shoulders. I leaned in and kissed the top of her head. “I would never lie to you about this.”

I kissed her forehead and slowly down on her cheeks when I reached her lips, she struggled out of my hold.

“How long are you going to keep this up?” I asked coldly because I couldn’t keep the frustration out of my voice.

She took one look at me, slid off her panties, and picked up her dress in her tiny fist, it bunched up near her waist. She lied down on the bed with legs spread. The tears were sliding down her face.

“What are you doing?”

“This is what you want, don’t you?”

“What the fuck?!” I snarled through gritted teeth. “Yes, I want to have sex with you but not when you’re crying and sobbing like this. Jesus. I’m not a monster.”

She looked mildly surprised as she sat upright. “I’m not denying you your rights. Apollo said...”

“What did he say?”

“Apollo said I should let the husband do whatever he wanted.”

“I don’t care what your brother says. But we’re not going to do anything until you’re like this.”

I walked out of the room and slammed the door behind me.

* * *

The town Mayor Mr. Cole and his wife were warm and welcoming people. They made us feel like home as soon as we joined the barbecue party.

Their son, James, was flipping burgers on the grill. He waved at me when he saw me walk in. James was only a year younger than me, and I remembered playing with him when we were kids. As a kid, he used to be a chubby big mouth who liked to pick his nose often. Hannah hated his guts because he occasionally stuck gum in her hair.

Now, James appeared different after all these years. I hoped he didn’t pick his nose anymore.

“Oh look, a water fountain!” Blue called out loudly, pointing at the Dolphin water fountain.

Heads turned to look at us. Suddenly, she became aware of the many people looking at us and realized that we weren’t yet back on talking terms. Her eyes held mine for a second before she looked away.

I squeezed her hand before she could go flying like a free bird that she was. “Listen, Blue. People are going to ask you questions, if you don’t know the answer, just don’t say anything. Okay? And no talking about anything that happens in our bedroom.”

“Okay.” She agreed.

“It’s absolutely off-limits, do you understand?”

“I do.”

“Alright, good girl.”

Blue was pulled away by Mrs. Cole. She led her away to introduce her to the other ladies of the town, leaving me all alone to look out for myself.

I walked to the barbecue station and picked a variety of meat and some salad to go with it. The waiter poured me a generous amount of wine. I took a bite of the tender chicken and it melted in my mouth.

“Enjoying the party?”

I looked up from the plate to stare into a familiar pair of soft brown eyes, “Viviana, nice to see you after a long time.”

She was trouble with a capital ‘T’.

She wore high-waist tight jeans and a crop top that showed off her skin. Her short black hair grazed her shoulders. Her eyes moved from the bottom to the top, “Same here.” She clinked our glasses together.


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