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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 38


“Hello? Are you still with me? Or have you expired from shock?” I heard Hannah’s voice but I couldn’t understand what she was saying, all I could hear was FOUR FREAKIN MILLION DOLLARS.

“If this is some kind of joke, Hannah, I’ll kill you,” I warned her.

She switched to video-call and I found myself staring at a blank white until I realized she’d been holding the lottery ticket on the screen. She slowly panned it out. “Do you read this?”

“It’s a ticket I bought. That doesn’t explain anything.”

She turned the ticket over and showed me a number. Two-nine-one-four-eight. And then she proceeded to show it to me on her laptop and the winning number printed in the newspaper.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. “Take a picture and send it to me on my phone.”

“If Ryan gets his hands on this ticket, you’re finished, and you have about twenty-four hours from now to claim the reward if you don’t then they will do another draw and find another winner.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about this before?”

“Because you weren’t answering your calls GENIUS.” Hannah literally screamed at the word ‘Genius’ to put emphasis. “Sometimes I wonder if my best friend was possessed to marry a dumb guy like you.”

I laughed, “well, that’s funny literally coming from a person who’s IQ is similar to a carrot eating rabbit." I repeated what I’d taught Blue when we had first met.

Hannah narrowed her eyes at me. “This ticket is going to the dumpster.”


“Alright. I’ll change my mind if you say ’Hannah is the smartest sister in this whole wide universe. Say it.”

“Over my dead body.”

She held the ticket in one hand, and a lighter in the other, challenging me. A mocking smile on my evil sister’s face, “I know how much this lottery means to you.”

“Hannah is the smartest, most beautiful sister in this whole wide universe.”

“Awww. Sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me. If I were you, Hunt, I’d be packing right now.”

“Talk to you later,” I said and ended the call.

Blue’s eyes were wide in curiosity, “Is something wrong? What was Hannah talking about?”

“Turns out we just became rich. We won the lottery.” I explained her, and then added, “That’s what Hannah says, and I’m still not sure if it’s really true or if she’s playing a prank on me. We have to go back home and find out.”

Blue’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Does that mean we could have a baby now?”

That hadn’t really crossed my mind.

“Well...I suppose we...”

She hugged me fiercely, the wheels in her mind were already turning. “You’ll have a lot of money now, won’t you? So that means we could have a baby now. Say yes, Hunter, pleaseeeeee…”

I smiled. “We would have enough money for everything you want.”

“I just want you, always and of course our baby.” She scooted closer and put her arms around me. In a sweet, melodious, voice she whispered, “Let’s make a baby right now.”

I laughed. “We just made love.”

“Let’s do it again so we can be sure there’s going to be a baby.”

Not that I would ever deny giving Blue what she wanted. She was so fucking beautiful that I could go on for hours without complaining.

“As my wife wishes,” I said.

I caught the ribbon that was holding her hair together and pulled it. The waves of shiny blue hair cascaded down to her shoulders, and that innocent mouth was inviting, which reminded me of that quote I once heard ′she looked like a good girl who was bad just for me.′

She attacked me like a hungry lioness who’d been refused food for a long time. Her mouth was searing hot on my own, taking my tongue deeper into her mouth and sucking on it savagely.

Blue was innocent, but her innocence was most likely seen out of bed. When she had me had her mercy, she would make sure she got she wanted. Right now, her display of affection seemed adorable because she was hell-bent on achieving what her heart desired the most.

A baby.

And she was making sure that she would do it correctly.

I was deep inside of her, as deep as I could go. Thrusting hard and fast; once, twice, and continued the process until I knew she was coming closer. She moaned loudly and I felt her walls clench around me as I came inside of her.

We were both breathless and panting, my forehead was touching hers when she asked, “do you think you put a baby in there right now?”

I laughed at the innocent question, “Probably. We’ll have to continue making love until we know for sure.”

“I’m so excited, Hunter. I can’t wait until the baby is here.”

She made it sound so easy. I had a mental image of a Stork delivering a bundled up baby on the doorstep.

I pulled out and instantly felt the loss. I lied down beside her in bed, taking her into my arms and stroking her slowly. Her Blue hair was spread over my chest, and I caressed the thick locks lovingly.

“We should get some clothes and toys for the baby, what do you think?” She asked, peering at me.

“First we need to be sure that Hannah wasn’t lying to us so we have to leave tomorrow morning.” I reminded her.

“We’re going home?”


“Our home.” She said dreamily like the little apartment was a luxurious palace. “What if Hannah isn’t lying? What if you really got the money? We could buy the clothes and the toys, right?”

I smiled. “And a lot of other things. If not, then you’re going to continue with the contraceptives.”


“Nevermind. Just sleep, Blue.”


It felt like I’d slept for days, maybe even several months. I opened my eyes to find Hunter standing by the foot of the bed packing our bag, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. His golden-brown hair tousled, like it hadn’t seen a brush for days but gorgeous nevertheless.

I sighed in contently. There was no way I could get tired of just looking at him. My husband was just so handsome, it took my breath away and sometimes even made me wonder if I was perhaps dreaming all along.

If it’s a dream, that would surely break my heart. And recently I’d started to wonder if I had imagined everything like that movie Hunter and I saw the other day where the woman lived a beautiful life with her husband and children and in the end, it turns out she had imagined everything.

After that movie, I continuously pinched myself and sometimes Hunter. He got a little annoyed by the pinching but ignored it most of the time.


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