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The Bad Boy And The Mermaid novel Chapter 37


There was a reason why Hunter never took me out to the beach when there were people around. There was a reason why we never swam in the public swimming pool. It was because I shapeshifted into a mermaid every time I dived into the water.

Like right now.

I hadn’t realized what was happening until the kid pushed me into the pool and my legs transformed into a mermaid tail.

I panicked. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He’d given me strict instructions not to move so I’d remained frozen in place, and I had not moved even when I knew the kid was going to push me into the water.

Where was Hunter when I needed him?

“Mom, look a mermaid!”

Thankfully, my eye caught the moment and I saw my husband running from across the lawn towards me. His gray eyes glistened with horror and worry. He glanced around himself to make sure we didn’t have an audience before he took off his shirt and stepped inside the pool.

I couldn’t hold the tears in. “I’m so sorry...Hunter.”

“Are you alright?” He asked me, “Are you hurt somewhere, love?”

I shook my head. He should have been angry that I was putting him in trouble again, but he was worried about my welfare. I’d called him names, I’d screamed at him in the morning and yet Hunter was being nice.

I was overcome with shame.

“It’s alright, baby.” He assured me. “Here, put your arm around my shoulder. I will pull you out of the water and cover your tail with my shirt, okay? Then I will carry you under that tree...” he pointed at a short distance, “because taking you into the house would risk people seeing you in mermaid form.”


“Calm down. It’s okay.”

The water sloshed as he pulled me out, placed me gingerly on the grass and covered my tail with his shirt.

“What the fuck? Hunter’s wife just turned into a mermaid.” James bellowed. “Guess I have far too much to fucking drink tonight.”

“Yeah. You need to stop. Next thing you’re going to say I turned into a Yeti.” Hunter called out, maintaining a cool demeanor but I could sense the distress he was feeling.

James looked at me strangely and started walking back to the grills as Hunter blocked me from view to allow me time to take the full human’s form. After ten torturous minutes, I turned fully into a human; the dress clung to me like second skin and the cool night air sent a shiver down my body.

Hunter carried me all the way to the car and put me in the passenger seat. His eyes flicked to the front of my dress that was totally soaked and it was making my breasts look bigger. It made me feel almost...


I watched Hunter’s nose flare and the worry in his gaze had disappeared and turned into desire.

The silence in the car stretched on so I cleared my throat and placed my hand over his. “I’m sorry about earlier. I promise I won’t do anything that will embarrass you again.”

“Embarrass me?” He snapped. “Blue, if people saw you turn into a mermaid, your life was in jeopardy. Do you understand that? This has nothing to do with me.” There was a hint of anger in his voice.

“I understand.”

“I don’t think you do.” He muttered.

I sniffled and a sob raked from within me. A loud ear-piercing sob. Children wailed like that, grown women like me didn’t.

His eyes softened instantly. “Why are you crying now?”

I continued to cry. “I don’t know. I don’t want to fight with you, Hunter. It doesn’t feel nice”

“Baby...” He breathed.

I watched as he pulled his seat back, scooped me up from my seat and brought me into his lap. I was strangling him in a very uncomfortable position. He stared at the wet fabric sticking to my breasts.

“You can touch me if you want,” I said.

Those were the only words of encouragement he needed to hear before his large palm grasped my right breast and he gave it one possessive squeeze. “This is mine. You never forget that, Blue.”

I nodded earnestly. He stared at me with a heated expression, “if any other man touches you, I’ll wreak mayhem. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

I shook my head, but I understood that whatever he was saying was something quite intense. I knew he meant to hurt whoever tried to touch me in any way.

His breathing was turning hard as he caught my nipple between his fingers and kept teasing it until it hardened. “Tell me...how did I get so lucky with you?”

I squirmed under his onslaught. “Let me have a taste.” He whispered as he lifted my dress and brought his mouth to my breast and suckled, running his tongue over my nipple in lazy strokes. His arm snaked around my neck as his mouth came crashing over mine. His tongue was seeking entrance in a desperate frenzy so I opened my mouth and he deepened the kiss. He kissed me so harshly, that it was becoming hard to breathe. His love for me was bordering to violence.


He groaned and ignored my pleas, holding me in his firm grip. I pulled away seconds later. “I can’t...I can’t breathe.”

Hunter closed his eyes, breathing hard. “I’m sorry. I guess...I guess I was losing my mind when I saw Vi’s husband trying to touch you. Blue...I’m so fucking horny right now. My body is literally aching for you.”

His words sent a series of butterflies into my stomach. He watched me intently, and I smiled, “Let’s go home then.”

“You’ll let me...” He was making that face again, the kind of face that made me feel sorry for him. “You’ll let me fuck you?”


He put me back in the passenger seat. “Buckle up.”

* * *


Bliss. That’s how I could explain this feeling. After arriving at the house that night, Blue and I made love. She hadn’t broached the topic about babies so that was an improvement, in fact; she’d readily agreed to stay on birth control pills.

And that was a little strange.


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