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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 120

Chapter 0120 

When Rik heads back to the car, I take a moment to look at my mother’s memorial. I miss you mom. I really wish you were here so I could talk to you about everything that is going on. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what the right choices are. Dad is great, but he’s not you

I close my eyes and imagine that she’s standing here next to me. What would she say

Follow your heart. It won’t steer your wrong.‘ 

I swear it’s almost like she’s standing beside me. Like I can feel her presence. I’m sure it’s because I want to feel it so badly, but it’s comforting. I open my eyes. Thanks mom. I love you.” 

I head back to the car. Rik kisses my head as he opens my door. I slide in and we head to the pack house. Now I’m nervous for a different reason. I’ve never eaten at the packhouse. From what I understand, it’s always full of pack members getting together. Even those that don’t live in the packhouse are welcome to join in at any meal. The result is a very loud, very busy cafeteria type atmosphere, similar to what we have at school

When we get out, Rik takes my hand. I know I haven’t accepted being his girlfriend officially, but no matter what happens on Monday, I’m going to say yes. I’m going to listen to my mother’s advice and follow my heart. But since I really want to spar with him, I’m not going to tell him that until after our match up on Monday

When we walk into the dining hall, the room goes quiet. I immediately regret agreeing to come here. Why is everyone staring at me

Cara!I look up to see Luna Calista beaming at me. She has started walking toward us

Luna Calista, how lovely to see you.I force a smile on my face, but I know it must look fake. I’m just hoping I don’t look like I feel, like I want to throw up

I feel Rik’s thumb making circles on the back of my hand and I look up at him. He’s smiling down at me. I instantly feel better. I’m not on my own trying to navigate this new experience. He’s here and I know he’ll stay be my side until I feel comfortable

Luna Calista comes up and hugs me. It’s so good to see you. Rik said you’d be coming by tonight, but I wasn’t willing to believe it until I saw it with my own 


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eyes. Will you join us at our table?” 

She points to a table where Anders, Chase, Charles and some other ranked wolves are sitting. Of course.” 

Luna Calista pulls me away from Rik, who rolls his eyes. She steers me to the table and sits me next to her. Mother, you can’t hog her for the whole meal.” 

Nonsense. If you want to sit closer, have Chase move.” Chase stops midbite, looking up at Rik like he’d be nuts to make him move. Rik jerks his thumb and Chase huffs before moving down a seat. Now I’m seated between Rik and Luna Calista


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