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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 121

Chapter 0121 

I love chicken parmesan and our chef makes the best I’ve ever had, isn’t that right Anders?She says looking at her husband. He also has food halfway to his mouth, obviously not expecting to be pulled into the conversation

Well, it’s not steak with truffle butter, but it’s pretty good.He says giving me a knowing smile. I smile back. Chicken parmesan it is then.I tell the omega

Conversation over dinner is easy. Calista seems very excited to have me around and Donna, Charlesmate, also seems happy to have another female in the mix. Looking around the table, it does seem dominated by males

After dinner, I excuse myself to find a restroom. Rik points me in the direction they are in, and I go off to find it. I did need to use the bathroom, but I also really needed to just catch my breath. This had been a lot. And while it has been fun and unexpected, I was getting a lot more attention that I was used to

When I step out, there is another shewolf waiting. All yours.I say and move to step around her

You know he’ll get bored with you, right?” 

I stop and look at her. Excuse me?” 

He’s acting all into you now, but he’ll get bored with you. He always does and then you’ll be nothing but another one of his conquests.” 

She’s hit a nerve. It is the one thing that I’ve been worrying about. What if this isn’t real? What if he isn’t as into me as I am with him

She’s just a jealous shewolf.Artemis chimes in. We are above this.‘ 

Artemis. The voice of reason. I take her advice and choose the high road. You know, green really isn’t your color.I say to her

She sneers at me. Are you color blind? I’m not wearing green.” 

I give her what I hope is a kind smile. Green. It’s the color associated with emotions like envy and jealousy. They aren’t attractive on anyone, and that includes you.” 

And why would I be jealous of you?She practically spits out

Suddenly, she’s looking behind me and her entire demeanor changes. I don’t have to look to know it’s Rik. Great

Alpha.She practically purrs. I was just welcoming Cara here to the pack 

+15 BONOS 

house.” I raise my eyebrow at her. Seriously? 

Rik wraps his arms around me, pulling me to him so my body is surrounded by his scent and heat. It calms me immediately. Is that what you were doing Sheila? Because it sounded like you were being rude to my future girlfriend.” 

Her face registers shock before she begins stumbling for an explanation. II” 

He interrupts her. Nuzzling his nose in my hair he says, Did you know that Cara pinned my father in a sparring match in 15 minutes?I watch her eyes go wide as she shakes her head, no


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