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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 200

Chapter 0200 

He tosses the towel on a chair and walks up to me as he’s talking. His hands go to my arms running up and down as if he’s checking for injuries

…..unMy brain isn’t working. I can feel the heat of his body, still warm from his shower. His intoxicating scent seems stronger, and it’s making my head spin


I, um, I was wondering if you would mind, I mean after tonightI don’t think I can sleep.Ugh, I’m making a mess of this

You want Cyran to come lay down with you? Give me a few minutes to dry off so you don’t have wet wolf smell all over you.He smiles at me. He doesn’t seem 

upset at all

Just ask him.Alessia purrs in my head

Actually, I was wondering if maybe you would mind laying down with me?I look down, waiting for the rejection

He lifts my chin, bringing my eyes to his. You want me to come lay with you?” 

I nod

He kisses my nose. Give me a minute. I want to put some sleep pants on so we don’t have a repeat of this morning.He smirks as my eyes go wide

Okay. I’ll justI jerk my finger over my shoulder in the direction of my room

Be right there.” 

I go back to my room, feeling nervous. I don’t think he’ll expect anything but I’m not completely sure. I just know that when he and Cyran have been with me, I don’t have nightmares. I crawl into bed, pulling the blankets up to my chin. I’ve just settled when he walks in and closes the door behind him. He’s wearing at- shirt and cotton sleep pants. I wonder if he normally wears pants to bed

He walks over to the other side of the bed and slides in, laying down and patting his chest. Come here.” 

I lay down on his chest and he wraps one arm around me and pulls his phone up for us to see with the other. Want to listen to some music?” 

I wrinkle my nose

What’s that look for?He asks

+15 DONOS 

Your music is very angry.” 

It’s angry?He asks

Yeah, when I listened the other day, the first song I tried to listen to was about someone screaming about being alone.” 

He thinks for a minute. By Myself. Ok, yes, that is an angry song.” 

And then there was one about being numb.” 

I see him contemplating the songs I listened to. Another Linkin Park song and. yes, maybe that one is a bit angry.” 


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