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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 201

Chapter 0201 

My Angel sings like an angel. Holy shit. Her voice is beautiful. As she sings, I take a guess on the title and look up the lyrics. I’m right the song is called Nocturne. It is a much softer song than what I would normally choose, but when my angel sings, it’s alluring

As she finishes, I kiss the top of her head. You have a lovely voice.I tell her

She looks up at me with those stormy gray eyes and smiles at me. Thank you. My mom had a great voice. I’m glad to know that I inherited that from her.” 

I pulled up a list of songs similar to the one she had sung and set it to play. I kept it low and put my phone on the bedside table. I took her hand in my free one and moved my other hand into her hair, rubbing her head. I have noticed that she seems to like that, and I’m hoping it will help her to fall asleep

It doesn’t take her long before her breathing evens out and I feel the weight of her head more solidly on my chest. Even after such a difficult evening, I feel content with her in my arms

As she sleeps, I think about her training tomorrow. I link Dustin asking him to get her a swimsuit. I have already adjusted my schedule to take her shopping for clothes after she’s done training with Clint. My mind then wanders to the vampires

Cyran snarls in my head. They will die for what they did to our mate.‘ 

Yes, they will. We need to start gathering intel on them. I have no idea how the covens work or how many vampires we can expect to attack. But they will come, that’s a guarantee. When they find her, they will come for her and we need to be ready.‘ 

I put out feelers for her friend, Sarah, earlier today, but so far nothing has come back. I run through the litany of things that I need to do for the pack, trying to find a balance to get it all done and not dump too much on Dustin or Jackson, my 


Once Angel recognizes me as her mate, I’m hoping we can start moving toward having her Luna ceremony. I don’t know how she feels about taking on that level of responsibility but even if she’s not willing to take it all on, just having her near helps calm me, making my job easier

And then there’s Eli. I haven’t been down to the cells for over two weeks. It’s time I paid him a visit. Maybe tomorrow after I drop Angel off with Clint, I can get back 

+15 BONDS 

to his interrogation. Having Angel away from the packhouse is the perfect time. I don’t want to scare her if she sees Eli’s blood on me

Having my plan in place for tomorrow, I let myself drift to sleep with my angel’s soft singing voice in my head


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