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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 215

Chapter 0215 

I can see the impact my statement has on Liam. Instantly, his eyes darken and his throat convulses as if he’s trying to swallow but his throat has gone dry

I turn back to the picture. Young Liam is something to behold. He has a huge smile on his face and it lights up his eyes. I wonder if anything can ever put that look back on his face

Seeing this picture had an immediate effect on me. Maybe it’s the mate bond that’s in full effect. But the moment I saw this picture, I knew I wanted to have Liam’s children. I want to have a whole litter of pups running around with his smile on their faces, maybe a mixture of our eyes and hair color, but I want it like I’ve never wanted anything in my life

I know in this moment, that I want to be mated to this man. We still have things to work through, I need to know that I can trust him completely, but the thought of not marking him as mine and having another shewolf take my place as his mate, is incomprehensible

I put the picture back and realize that Liam has his shirt unbuttoned. His rippling abdominal muscles are right there. I turn and run my fingers over the ridges of his abs up to his chest. Is there a reason you are partially dressed?” 

The feel of his body shivering at my touch is empowering. I love having an effect on this srong man

His voice is husky when he responds. I was going to take it off so you could cut my hair.” 

I reach 

my hands up and push his shirt off his shoulders, sliding my hands down his arms, as the shirt drops to the floor. Good idea.I say in a whisper. Where are we going to cut your hair?” 

He hooks his thumb behind him. Bathroom.He says, but doesn’t move and doesn’t take his eyes off me.. 

I run my hands back up his strong arms before sliding them up his neck into hist hair. His eyes stay on mine until I begin running my fingers through his hair, then they fall closed as I graze my nails over his scalp

I see you like this as much as I do.I say, enjoying the feel of him relaxing

I like you touching me.” 

He takes my hands and pulls me with him into the bathroom, sitting down in

+15 BONDS 

chair. No one has really touched me since my mother died. Not like this anyway. I’ve had lovers, but that’s different and nothing longterm. This feels more…. intimate.” 

I pick up the comb, running it through his thick hair before answering. I can’t imagine what that must have been like for you.I say before coming to stand in front of him

Lonely.He replies, pulling me between his legs so I’m closer to him. Did you want to continue listening to the music list I made you while you do this?” 

I look down at him. He’s watching me. Sure.” 


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