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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 216

Chapter 0216 

I’m beginning to realize that this man has not only been alone his whole life, but besides Dustin’s father who really was only teaching him how to take over pack responsibilities, he’s never had anyone to show him love or affection

When I finish, I set aside the scissors and comb. I lean into him, brushing my fingers through his hair, rubbing my thumbs over his eyebrows, then down to his eyelids, making my way to his lips. I brush my fingers gently over his lips and he kisses them

I smile as I look at him. I haven’t been able to sleep without having nightmares. until I came here. You and Cyran keep them at bay.” 

You make me feel whole Angel. I don’t have the emptiness that I’ve felt for so long that I didn’t even remember that it was there. It’s why I’m willing to do whatever it takes to keep you from leaving me. I’ve never felt so complete in my life.I pull his head into my chest, holding him against me and I feel him wrap his arms around me

After a moment, I pull away. Come on. Do you want to get in the bathtub and I can wash your hair?” 


you join me?” 

I look at him. This intimacy, this closeness with Liam, is addictive. Maybe it is only the mate bond, pulling us together, but I want to be the one that makes him. feel like this. I want to be the one that he craves and comes to when he feels 

broken. I want to be the one that eases his tension and the aches of his life into something neither of us ever thought we would find

we’re two 

It feels like rough and jagged pieces of a puzzle that shouldn’t fit anywhere, but when we come together, we fit and become one solid, smooth 


Yes, I’ll join you.” 

The smile that lights his face fills my heart. I cup his cheek in my hand. You should smile more often. It looks good on you.” 

He turns his face to kiss my palm. You give me a reason to smile.” 

He stands up and moves to the tub, turning on the faucet. Where is a broom, I can clean this up.” 

He tells me and while he gets towels for us, I clean up the floor and move the 

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chair back to the bedroom

When I come back in, he has removed his clothes. Get in, let me wash off all this hair first.” 

He does and it’s the reverse of my time in the tub. I hold his head, cupping water in my hand and pouring it over his head and shoulders. I grab his shampoo, which has an appealing musky scent that mingles with his

I rub the shampoo into his hair, watching as his eyes close and he relaxes into my hand. I take my time, enjoying this softer side of Liam


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