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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 234

Chapter 0234 

  • +15 вонот 

Why would being mated to me help Liam see the vampires?I ask Rik

When Cara and I completed our mating process, I became stronger and took on some of her Guardian gifts, just not to the same extent that she has them. In the same way, I think that Liam will have some of your gifts, one of which is being able to see the vampires. I know I’m faster now that I’m mated to Cara, and I’ll guess Liam will be too.” 

I turn and look at Liam. Do you feel stronger?” 

He shrugs, keeping his arms wrapped around me. I felt the power surge when you marked me. I haven’t exactly had time to test out any of your other gifts.” 

Back to the task at hand.Clint brings us back to attention. We need a plan to make sure that these vampires do not have the opportunity to get to Angel and Cara, especially now that Cara is pregnant. We don’t know how that may influence her taste to them.” 

Meaning, I may taste better?She asks with a disgusted look on her face, as Rik growls

We don’t know enough. I’ll ask Ailduin if he has any books about it and if so, to bring them when he comes this weekend.Clint says

In the meantime, I think we should divide our patrols up and create split teams. Your warriors on our patrols and our warriors on your patrols. That way our patrols become familiar with both territories, and we’ll be able to assist each other wherever there is a breach in our borders.Anders says looking at Liam

Liam nods behind me. I had a similar thought. We need to make sure that both of our packs are familiar with all weaknesses within both sets of borders.He stops looking at Rik. Do you trust me enough to allow that kind of access to your pack lands?” 

Rik studies him for a moment. I thought we agreed that we are family. I trust my family with my life and the lives of my other family members. I think the better question, Liam, is do you trust me enough to allow that kind of access to your pack lands?” 

I turn to look at Liam. He looks back at me and I nod slightly. I trust them.. 

Liam smiles and kisses my nose before turning back to Rik. I told you I’m not good at this whole family thing, but I trust the people in this room. So yes, I will allow that access to my pack lands.” 

+15 BONOS 

Excellent!Anders stands up and brings over a map, laying it in front of us. We’ve already marked the areas in our pack lands where we need to tighten up security.He puts glasses on the four corners to hold the map down and begins pointing to the areas where they have known weaknesses. The biggest weakness, from our perspective, is no man’s land in the canyon. I think we proved yesterday that being in the middle of our two packs causes problems with support if that is where we are attacked. While it’s good to keep the vampires away from the packhouses and the weaker wolves that will be in the bunkers during the war, it’s currently our weakest spot. It would give them the ability to divide us and make it hard to fight as one.” 

Or,Liam jumps in, standing up and sitting me back in the seat as he leans over the table to look at the map. We use this area to draw them in and create a two- pronged attack.” 

They continue to plan for war, Liam giving them the weaknesses in our borders, developing a plan to draw the vampires into the canyon and how to best stage the attack. They begin making preparations for communication, support and managing placement of the elderly, pups and pregnant mothers into the bunkers

Today’s Bonus Offer 


Chapter 02k 

There was a bra moment when Rik told Cara that she could take charge of those indheadhead since she would be in the bunker as well. Cara immediately challenged lok, telling him that she would not be sitting the battle out

They went back and forth until Anders laughingly looked at Clint. Looks like my son will have to learn the same lesson that Lily taught me so many years ago.Clint just smiled, I definitely wouldn’t bet against Cara on this one.” 

While they talked. I moved over to the food table. I wasn’t hungry but the talk of vampires, fighting and the very real possibility of losing friends in this battle was distressing me 1 could feel Liam watching me, even though he was involved in the discussions knew he could feel my feelings through the bond

I grabbed a bottle of water and took a sip. Clint wheeled up next to me. How are you doing la 

I’m fine.I said, not wanting to cause more problems

How about you tell me the truth.He said looking up at me

I felt the hears burning in my eyes and squeezed them shut trying to keep them from falling I’m scared.I whisper to him

He takes my hand in his. I’d be concerned about you if you weren’t.” 


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