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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 235

Chapter 0235 

There was a tense moment when Rik told Cara that she could take charge of those individuals since she would be in the bunker as well. Cara immediately challenged Rik, telling him that she would not be sitting the battle out

They went back and forth until Anders laughingly looked at Clint. Looks like my son will have to learn the same lesson that Lily taught me so many years ago.” 

Clint just smiled. I definitely wouldn’t bet against Cara on this one.” 

While they talked, I moved over to the food table. I wasn’t hungry but the talk of vampires, fighting and the very real possibility of losing friends in this battle was distressing me. I could feel Liam watching me, even though he was involved in the discussions. I knew he could feel my feelings through the bond

I grabbed a bottle of water and took a sip. Clint wheeled up next to me. How are you doing kid?” 

I’m fine.I said, not wanting to cause more problems

How about you tell me the truth.He said looking up at me

I felt the tears burning in my eyes and squeezed them shut trying to keep them from falling. I’m scared.I whisper to him

He takes my hand in his. I’d be concerned about you if you weren’t.” 

I open my eyes, sniffing. They are coming for me. They don’t know about you and Cara. If I left” 

A vicious snarl cuts me off. Don’t you fucking think about leaving me. I’ll hunt you down and bring you back.Liam says from across the room. Okay, so he was keeping a closer eye and ear on me than I thought

But Liam,I begin

No, Liam is right Angel.Clint says. Come sit with me.He keeps hold of my hand and leads me to a chair, turning his wheelchair to face me

They may not have found us yet, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t been looking. This is the best opportunity to we have to eliminate the threat that we know is coming. Otherwise, they could come for us when we don’t expect it and either Cara or I, or maybe both of us, could end up a prisoner like you.” 

It’s Rik who snarls this time. Over my dead body.” 

And we all hope it doesn’t come to that. But the reality is that they will come


+15 BONOS 

They have no problem killing to get what they want. They just don’t realize that they will be facing not one, but three Guardians, and two Alphas that now have enhanced abilities because they are mated to Guardians. This is our best chance.Clint tells the room before turning back to me

I understand you are scared.” 

I cut him off. But I’m a Guardian. I’m supposed to be stronger than this.” 

He takes my hands, forcing me to look in his eyes. You are strong, stronger than you give yourself credit for. You survived seven years with them and are still willing to fight. I don’t see you wanting to hide. Your first instinct is to protect those around you by leaving. That’s what Guardians do. We protect. And from now on, we’ll increase your training. We don’t have long, but I’ll turn you into a lethal killing machine so that you can protect your pack.” 

Thanks Clint.I lean over and hug him


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