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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 282

Chapter 0282 

I turn my head to her. I smell bad enough that a human can smell me? But then I see it. Dustin’s mark on her neck

Congratulations.I say, but nothing about how I say it sounds celebratory

Thank you. Now go. You know what she means to me. I won’t leave her.She says. I sigh and agree

I jog back to the packhouse, planning to quickly shower, change and get back to Angel. After I shower, I run into Dustin

Alpha, I’m working on the casualty list and the list of injured.He stops, not making eye contact

I already know about Clint.I tell him, thinking that is who he is referring to

He nods. We lost Jackson, too.He says quietly

I stop. Jackson, my Gamma. He was in charge of the warriors protecting the packhouse

What happened?” 

Some vampires got in and were breaking into the bunker. He jumped in and tried to fight them off but he was killed before he could kill them all. They ended up breaking down the door to the bunker.” 

I close my eyes. I can’t stomach the thought of having lost pregnant mothers and pups to those leeches. How many?” 

None. Sarah was able to stab them with wood that they had for a fire. Sebastian came after her and she killed him.” 

Well, then, I guess it’s a good thing that she’s accepted her position in this pack as your mate.” 

His smile is bright, even if it only lasts for a moment. Yes. At least something good came from this. She agreed to be mine.” 

I’m happy for you. I have to get back. Is there anything else? I need you to run things for me while Angel is recovering. I don’t plan to leave her side.” 

When I have a full report, I’ll bring it to you at the hospital. She’ll be fine Liam, She’s strong.” 


+15 BONOS 

Two days later 

Why isn’t she waking up doctor? It’s been two days. She’s a Guardian. She has advanced healing for goddess’s sake! Why isn’t she healing? Why is she still unconscious?I rant at the doctor, my patience at an alltime low. My mate isn’t getting better. It’s almost like she’s healing at human speed and the doctors can’ttell me why

We’ll run some more tests, Alpha.” 

What tests? You’ve run every test already! Why isn’t she getting better?I’m yelling at the end and it’s Sarah that comes in and calms me down so the doctors. can go and run whatever tests they run on people who are unconscious and not waking up

I sit, my head in my hands. My hair is longer again, so I’m sure that it’s going in all directions with my hands running through it at lightning speed over and over again. I wish it was long enough to grab ahold of and pull on. I seriously need to punch something, but I won’t leave to go work off all this excess energy. I don’t want to leave my mate in case she finally wakes up

I had expected her to be out for a couple of hours, not days. The longer she’s unconscious, the more worried and anxious I’ve become. What if she doesn’t wake up? What if she leaves me alone in the world

I crawl onto the bed, carefully curling myself around her as much as possible. Sarah takes her leave and it’s just me and Angel

You promised. You promised that you would never leave me little angel. I’m holding you to that promise. Don’t you dare leave me. You come back to me, and you live this life with me

I start talking to her as if she’s awake. You know, it’s not just me that needs you. I understand that Cara is having a really hard time too. She lost her father, and now Rik says that she nearly miscarried their baby. She’s on bedrest and may stay that way for the rest of her pregnancy. She could really use you there with her, to help support her.” 

I’m running my fingers through her hair, talking to her when the doctors come 

back in

Alpha. I think we know why Angel isn’t healing like she should be.” 


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