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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 283

Chapter 0283 

When I wake, it’s in a dream state. I’m walking in a forest. I can hear small animals moving around, but nothing else. It’s very quiet here. Beautiful, but lonely. Where is everyone

Hello? Liam? Alessia?I call out loud

I’m here.Says an exhausted sounding Alessia

Where are we?” 

In my head, she lifts her head off the ground, looking around. I know this place.” 

Where is it? Are we near the pack lands

No.she says, just as Clint steps out of the trees in front of me

Clint!I run to him, throwing my arms around him. I thought you were dead!” 

I am sweetheart. It was my time. But why are you here? It’s not your time.” 

I look around me again. I don’t know why I’m here. I woke up here.I turn to look at him, horrified. Am I dead? Where is Liam?!I demand

Can you hear Alessia in your head?He asks me

Yes. I can hear her.” 

Then, you’re not dead. How about we look around and try to figure out why you’re here.” 

He puts his arm around my shoulders, guiding me to a cliff. When I look down, I can see the carnage of the battle. We won.I state

We did, but there are many casualties on our side

As I watch, I see mates finding their dead partners, dropping to the ground, sobbing

Come. This is not where you are meant to be. Let’s head over to your pack lands.” 

We do and I see that there was a battle outside the packhouse. I can see pack members rebuilding the doors and windows that were blown out with the fighting. We continue to walk around, hearing the sounds of weeping and the sounds of pack members giving orders to fix or repair broken places in the packhouse and surrounding homes of pack members

+15 BONOS 

It doesn’t appear that this is where you should be either. Come, let’s head over to your pack hospital

He guides me to the pack hospital. I’m glad Clint’s here with me. I feel like I’m floating, like I’m not completely here

When we arrive, I see Sarah and I point her out to Clint. Look, we should follow Sarah.” 

We do and as she enters a hospital room, we follow. When I walk in I stop at the sight in front of me, gasping. I’m on a hospital bed, machines are attached all over my body. Liam is laying on the bed, wrapped up around me. His voice sounds broken and it makes my heart hurt

Please Angel. Please, I need you to come back to me. I can’t do this without you. You promised me. You promised me.His voice breaks. I’m walking to him before I even realize what I’m doing

I’m here Liam, I’m right here.I go to put my hand on his back, but it goes right through him. I turn to Clint

What’s happening?” 

He watches Liam and me on the bed. This is where you are supposed to be. You need to return to yourself Angel.” 

I turn and look at my body, lying on the bed. Alessia, do you know how to get us back?‘ 

I’m here Angel, it’s you that has to return.She tells me

How? I don’t want to leave Liam.” 

Let yourself feel the pain. You must let yourself feel the pain and grief of the pack. It’s the only way to return. Liam needs you, I need you and our pup needs you, Angel. Come back.‘ 

Pup?! I turn to Clint. I have to go back.” 

Yes, you do.He says and turns to leave

WAIT!I say and he stops, looking at me over his shoulder. I feel tears in my eyes. Will I ever see you again?” 

He smiles softly. Someday sweet girl, someday you will see me again. Lily and Andra send their love. They are very proud of how you are carrying on their Guardian spirit. Live your life, Angel. Live your best life, the life you were always meant to have.He says before walking out the door

+15 BONGS 

I watch for only a moment longer before laying down where my body lies, closing my eyes and letting the pain flood into my system. There is so much, so many pack member tethers that are gone, others that are so tenuous that I know they won’t last as they join their dead mates

The sudden pain makes me gasp, and I open my eyes again, but this time, I’m in Liam’s arms and his eyes fly open

Angel!He begins kissing my face, continuing to pull back to see that my eyes. are still open. Oh Angel, I was so scared that you were going to leave me.He wraps his arms around me before burying his face in my neck and sobbing. I wrap my arms around him as best I can, holding him while he releases all his stress and anxiety

I’m here Liam, I’m not going to leave you. I promised and I am keeping my promise.” 

I hold him, my own tears trekking down my face, until his tears subside


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