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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 140


Dominic can try to convince me all he wants that he feels absolutely nothing for Carmella, but I still don't believe it. I'm not even sure if he'll ever completely feel nothing for her as time goes on but right now, I'm only sure of one thing. I don't want him to put me down. The harder he presses me against the wall, the harder his tongue penetrates my mouth with more passion.

I don't know what got into him for him to do this. We might just be locking lips right now, but there's a longing in his touch and the way his lips feel on mine that I've never felt before and it only fuels my desire for him even more.

It's been a while since I felt him this way, which is why I try so hard not to smile against his lips.

As his hands roam around my thighs, he presses his fingertips against one side and it makes me part my lips with a gasp, but he quickly muffles it with another dominant kiss.

Just so I can tighten my grip around him, I wrap my legs around his waist and his hands rest on my ass, right where I want them to be.

I've thought of this a few times because lately, he's been looking so desirable to me and he's all I want right now.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of slippers from a distance, bringing me back to the reality that we're doing all this right by the door.

Just as he quickly puts me down, I feel his hard cock rub against my thigh. Our eyes lock and he bites his lip, making my pussy twitch.

My heart still races faster than usual and so does his, as his shoulders rise and fall rapidly.

"I really should go now," he says, his breath heavy as he puts on the jacket that was hanging over his shoulder.

I nod as I fix my hair. "Yeah, we'll talk later."

He nods back at me, glancing down at my bust area before making his way out the door.

Even as he walks away, I stand right in the doorway, still trying to calm down from what just happened between us.

It's only when he turns at the corner that he's out of sight and I cover my mouth with a giggle, realizing just how much I wanted him to touch me that I forgot where we were, and it seemed he didn't care either.

I turn around to get back inside the house and just as I close the door, Mia approaches me.

"Hey, Dominic just left," I say to her.

She raises her eyebrows. "I thought he left a while ago."

"No, he left just now."

"And I can see why!" She chuckles, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Look at how red and messy your glossy lips are and don't even get me started on these hard nipples!"

My eyes widen and I cover my chest, running away from her.

She follows right behind me but I don't stop in my tracks until I'm all the way up in my bedroom. I shut the door and lean against it, sliding down the door as I begin to wonder. Had Dominic and I not been disturbed, would we have gone all the way?

It takes me about thirty minutes to compose myself and once I'm ready to face Mia again, we binge watch another show and one that I've been looking forward to watching.

However, I barely pay attention as I can still feel Dominic's lips on mine, his warm breath, his hands on my thighs, my nipples rubbing against his toned chest. It all constantly comes back to me and I can already feel myself getting wet again.

Right in the middle of a dramatic scene that captures my attention, my phone vibrates next to me and my first thought is that it's a message from Dominic. I instantly blush at the thought of it.

"I can't wait to be in love the way you are," Mia teases me. "Without even looking at the phone, you're already blushing this much!"

"Shut up," I say to her as I reach for my phone.

As soon as I look at the notification, my smile fades and I narrow my eyes.

"It's not him. It's Patrick."

"Ugh! That piece of shit!" She turns to face me more. "Why do you still have his number? I don't like this at all. Just forget about him because he doesn't deserve anything. You only need your husband, who was so sweet that he came all this way to apologize to you and make things right."

I sigh. "You're right."

"Good, Now block his ass!"

"I'll do it in a minute."

"Why not now?"

"I need to talk to him one last time."

"Are you kidding me?"

"I have to do this."

While dialing Patrick's number, I take a deep breath, my heart already racing at how uncomfortable he's been making me.

"Vanessa, I didn't think you'd call me," he says with relief from the other end of the line. "Can we meet up sometime and talk?"

"You and I have nothing to talk about after what happened."

He sighs. "I guess it still bothers you but there's something you should know, I'm still not sorry that I did what I did. I just had to tell you the way I felt."

"You're unbelievable." I shake my head. "Even now, you're just the same."

"Because I have no regrets and I don't care what anyone else says or thinks, not even you."

"And this is exactly why I'm never speaking to you again."

"What?" He raises his voice in shock.

"I'm blocking you right now."

"Shit!" He panics. "Vanessa, wait-"

I grunt in irritation, ending the call and blocking his number. This was the last thing I wanted to do, but I can't deal with him anymore. And I guess I'll never know why he was so bold to do this and keep acting so nonchalant about it.



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