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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 145


Now that Carmella has my full attention, she victoriously smirks, crossing her arms and leaning against the headboard.

With a sigh of satisfaction, she says, "Babe, you have to admit that this solid evidence will only make the identity exposure spicy."

Even though I know the power she holds with such evidence in her hands, I scoff as I approach her side of the bed.

When I'm close enough, I lean forward and blankly stare into her eyes as I say, "You wouldn't expose that shit and you know why."

Her smirk instantly fades as she looks away and because she doesn't argue, I know I'm right.

"If you're done with your nonsense, I have to freshen up so I can leave. Today is extremely important."

"But...but we didn't even spend time together." Her mascara smeared eyes grow wide.

"I came over, didn't I?"

"Yes, but-"

"Enough," I cut her off, my tone low but threatening.

Now that I know the power I hold over her despite her still being a ticking time bomb, I'll take my chances just so I don't have to be near her.

She pouts as a tear rolls down her cheek but that doesn't stop me from getting ready.

I fix my necktie one last time while watching her through the mirror.

"I'm leaving now."

She gets out of bed while fixing her sexy lingerie, stands right in front of me and wraps her arms around me.

"I love you." She rests her head on my chest.

I sigh deeply, wondering what my honest response should be.

"I said I love you." She looks up at me, her eyes widening in a way that makes her look crazy.

"I heard you the first time." I clench my jaw.

She pokes her cheek in anger as she shakes her head, then pushes herself off her feet to kiss me. As our lips touch, I tell myself to pull away, but no, not this time. I let it go on for a few seconds and she starts touching me but even with that, I just want to leave, so I pull away without hesitation.

"I'm leaving now."

"Why are you being so mean to me?"

I huff. "How is it that you're so blind?"


"I seriously don't have time for this."

I head downstairs and she chases after me, begging me to stay but I've already tolerated her enough.

Straight from her place, I meet up with Frank and tell him about what happened while I drive.

Raising his eyebrows, he says, "You seriously found a way for her to keep her mouth shut? I didn't know you had the balls for that."

I nod with pride. "It might have looked like I was helpless before, but don't underestimate me .I now know her weakness."

"Then I guess you're the man. Enough about you. I asked you about Mia last time."

"She's in a complicated relationship."

"Well, I'm very good at complicated relationships so hook me up with her. It could be anything. Leave the rest to me."

"If you say so."

"Hey, where are you taking me?"

"It's your birthday." I chuckle.

His face brightens up. "And here I am, thinking you forgot!"

"How could I forget something I've been celebrating for years now?"

He rubs his hands together with enthusiasm. "Now, where are we going?"

"Just shut up and wait."

After a twenty minute drive, I pull up at the car dealership and the sales manager leads the way to a car hidden from view.

We stand back as Frank gets closer and it seems he's holding his breath, wondering what he's about to see.

After unveiling the car, he instantly pulls his hair with wide eyes. "What the fuck? The latest Bugatti?"


"It's not even officially on the market yet!"

"I pulled a few strings. Don't forget who I am," I brag.

"This must've been even more expensive."

"Not for me."

He rests his head on the roof of it. Then approaches me with wide steps for a hug.

"Thanks man! I don't even know what else to say. You're the best!"

I chuckle. "I know. Happy birthday."

As he takes several pictures with his new car, I dial Vanessa's number and it takes a while for her to pick up, which makes me wonder if everything is alright back home.

"Hello?" she finally says.

I sigh with relief. "You had me worried for a second there. I thought something bad happened."

"Hey, you worry too much. Even if something were to happen, I have more than enough people here to take care of me. Are you still with Carmella?"

"No. I came back a long time ago. I've been with Frank for four hours now."


"Yes." Frank excitedly approaches me for a fist bump.

Chapter 145 1


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