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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 4




It’s been such a long day for me dealing with the press, taking all those family pictures, my feet hurt because I was in heels for such a long time and my mouth still has some discomfort from all that smiling to fake my happiness

Sitting on my white king size bed, I think about all the quality sleep I’ll get tonight

I’ve just finished tying my hair up while already in my new silky blue pajamas

Suddenly, there’s a knock on my bedroom door

It’s definitely not the maids because I didn’t request for any of them to come to me

When I assume it’s Dominic, my heart races a little and I fear that he’s here to sleep with me. He already told ΠΕ he’ll never touch me, but if he’s changed his mind, no way in the world will let that happen

Pulling myself together, I get off the bed, my bare feet stepping on the plush gray carpet as I walk over to the door to open 

  1. it

ink it is

I’m really hoping this isn’t what I think it is. 

As soon as I open the door and see him, our eyes don’t even meet 

to toe 

While he looks at me from head to toe with furrowed eyebrows I spot the red lipstick marks around his mouth. His clothes. and hair are also a little messy. I guess he just couldn’t wait to fuck Carmella. He should be with her right now, not here with 

  1. me

When he doesn’t speak for a while and just observes my outfit, as if unimpressed by it, I narrow my eyes at him. What’s going on in his head

What is it?I ask, placing a hand on my hip

You’re in pajamas. He looks at me from head to toe once again, his tone filled with wonder

Of course I am. I was just about to sleep but then you showed up. So what’s this about?” 

His expression changes to a glare, which matches with his tone that sounds like a warning

First of all,he begins, Carmella’s in my bedroom so don’t dare come over there unless I say otherwise.” 

I’m not even surprised. In fact, I’m relieved. It seems his mind is only focused on her.” 

And what’s the second thing?I ask, tilting my head to the side

I also came to make sure you were really in this bedroom,he says. In case I need to find you so we can fake appearances.” 

He has a point and because of that, I just give him a nod 

You’ll find me here whenever I’m needed. Anything else?I yawn 

He scoffs as he looks away. This is fucking unbelievable,he says quietly

What is?” 

Nothing. I’m out of here.” 



Finally,I say with enthusiasm, my lips curved into a fake smile

Aren’t you being a little too high and mighty!” 

And aren’t you being a bit too flashy with what you and Carmella were just doing

That’s none of your business and-” 

Goodnight.” I cut him halfway and shut the door

I don’t even stand in the same spot to hear his footsteps retreat

I just want to get back on the bouncy bed so I stretch myself as head back to it and get comfortable, I get under the covers and reach for my phone on the table when it beeps. I’ve been receiving so many notifications today

Quickly. I scroll through a few of them and roll my eyes at how it’s just the same news about the expensive billionaire wedding 

There are so many pictures of Dominic and 1 kissing and the headlines make it seem like it’s real love

It breaks my heart to think about what the reality actually is

How I wish it could’ve been that way. This should’ve been my wedding night, where my husband, the man I wish to spend the rest of my life with, makes love to me passionately. But it’s quite the opposite of that

Shurting out the thoughts of what I truly desire right now, I sigh deeply and just think about how I’ll be able to handle. myself in this marriage

Apart from my 

friends. posting on their social media pages and congratulating me, I even see a few comments from wome expressing their jealousy and wishing they were me because Im living the fairytale life. What fairytale life? If only they knew the truth

As I scroll through the received texts, I open my father’s message

Dad: Congratulations, my precious child. If only your mother could see how beautiful you looked today and just how beautiful you’ve become. I’m certain she gave you her blessings from heaven. May you always be happy and safe

His words are so touching that as I put my phone back on the table, I sigh deeply with a hand on my chest. I know this wedding had nothing to do with love, but I still wish my mother was present

Thinking about her absence makes me a little sad, but I feel better when I think about my motherinlaw, She’s already Taking good care of me just like a mother would

As I think about all the things I’m grateful for. I curl up a bit more under the covers. I’m so ready to sleep that I release a sigh 

of comfort

This is the perfect wedding night for me, a good night’s sleep

I’m glad Dominic chose to fuck only Carmella. I can’t see myself sleeping with such an arrogant man

I even think about the lingerie box and how I’ll never use it. My best friend couldn’t stop me teasing about how Dominic would be eager to take it off upon seeing me in it. It’s definitely not happening and I wouldn’t want it any other way

In the end, I’m just glad my father’s financial problems have come to an end

With that in mind as my final thought, I’m happy and at peace, so I drift off to sleep



As I make my way through the long hallway, I can’t stop clenching my fists at the thought of Vanessa slamming the door in my face. How dare she do such a thing? Has becoming the daughterinlaw of the Richards family already gotten to her head

And how the hell wasn’t she in that lingerie from the box? Did she really not plan for me to fuck her tonight

No matter how I think about it, I can’t seem to find the answers to my questions

It even takes me a while to return to my bedroom so I slowly wander the hallways on both sides and stop several times to rest my back against the wall for what seems to be over ten minutes

When I finally return to my bedroom, Carmella’s on the bed, laying on her side and propping herself on her elbow

The sight of her tits almost falling out of her bra is sexy, but I’m not as excited as before

Sodid you put that bitch in her place?She giggles mischievously, anticipating my response, but I only manage to grunt as I sit down on the bed

QUE Wedding 

I face the wall, greatly bothered by Vanessa’s unwillingness to look sexy for me on night despite my plan to only reject her and break her heart. Who does she think she is

I feel the bed sink closer to my spot and I know Carmella’s getting closer, but I don’t even look back at her

Her hands finally land on my shoulders, then toward the center of my chest as she whispers in my ear

Tell me. Did that bitch cry and beg you to spend the night with her?” 

With a grunt, I get off the bed and ruffle my hair, but she follows me and begins unbuttoning my shirt as she rubs her tits against my chest 

Not now,” I say to her, holding onto her wrists so she can stop touching me

Babe, I thought I told you just how wet I am for you: She moans. And I know you’ve been dying to fuck me tonight,” 

She continues unbuttoning my shirt and I try to block out what happened with Vanessa, but it doesn’t leave my mind

I said not 

now!I step away from her and she scoffs 

What the hell’s gotten into you? Fine! She storms off to the bathroom and slams the door shut and locks it

Once I’m alone, I don’t feel the need to go after her right away, not when I’m frustrated that things didn’t go my way with Vanessa

As a distraction, I reach for my phone and scroll


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