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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 5




For a moment, I’m certain my ears are only deceiving me, so I get closer and rest the side of my face right against Vanessa’s bedroom door

When I hear her loud and clear, my lips curve into a smirk of satisfaction. She’s definitely crying and it feels great to see her miserable. I guess I got back at her after all

She must have come to my bedroom and heard Carmella moaning

What a hypocrite. Acting like she didn’t want me yet hearing me in the other room hurt her that much

I actually want to stand right here longer and listen to her drown in her misery while alone in that bed, but I decide to leave. I’ve heard more than enough to feel that I’ve settled a score with her

She may not have worn the lingerie for me in preparation for our wedding night, but her being all alone finally got to her because she’ll never be Carmella

As I walk away, I chuckle softly

There’s been so many times when Vanessa acted like she was all that. It was because she knew I couldn’t get rid of her and needed her just to please my parents

Now that she’s with me, this is just the beginning of her misery

I wonder if I’ll 

point out tomorrow that I heard her cry. Maybe I shouldn’t. It’ll be too humiliating but on second thought, that’s exactly what I want to do to her give her nothing but humiliation whenever I feel like she deserves it 

Now that my mood is elevated even more by my victory in this situation, I return to my room, quietly move around so I don’t wake up Carmella. But I soon remind myself she’s too exhausted to open her eyes

After reaching for my phone. I come downstairs and sit by the fireplace

As soon as I turn it on, it constantly buzzes with notifications and I know what they’re all about. This time, I pay no attention to them and only wish to see something specific

While I type in the words Little Warriors, the name of my children’s hospital, I smile at the thought of the critical surgery 

that was a success

Once I’m able to filter out everything else and only view messages from the hospital. I click on the images sent to me of the liule girl

She’s connected to several machines post surgery and I can’t wait to see her. I wonder what toys to get for her

The children’s hospital is a personal project that I started when just turned eighteen and no matter what happens, it’s the one thing I’ll never give up on 

After checking the other emails on the other children not doing oo well and what their needs are, I reply to all of them 

Usually, I don’t reply to business emails if the time isn’t approprite. Right now, it’s 3 a.m. and way past working hours, but for the children’s hospital, it’s different. I’ll always respond as soon as I see the emails

To celebrate the peace I feel right now, I head to the mini bar and pour myself a drink, my thoughts shifting back to Vanessa crying over me not being with her, as she should





This isn’t how I expected my night to turn out. The spot where I lay my head is getting soaked in my tears which won’t stop streaming down my face

Everything was perfectly fine when I fell asleep and I was certain would have a good night, but I was wrong. It’s now 3 am and I’m bawling my eyes out like I aim to soak the entire sheets in my tears

Curling up more than 1 already have, I chatch my chest with both hands, which tremble and match my quivering lip. The emotional pain in my heart is just too much for me right now

I had a dream about my mother, the kind I’ve had for so many years. The only difference is this time, it hurts too much and I just feel so sad without her

Maybe it’s because I kept longing for her while thinking about the wedding. And my father’s message also might’ve played


I don’t even have him close to me right now. He embraces me at times when the same dream troubles me at night. I’m far from home, far from him and despite everyone present in this house, it’s the same as I’m all alone 

What a sorrowful night I’ve had so far 

No matter how many times I wipe my tears, the sorrow in my heart just doesn’t fade so I sit up and rest my head on top of my knees, dropping it to one side and rocking back and forth. Inist hope I’ll calm down soon

Though it takes a while for my racing heart to return to its regular state, I give it time, telling myself that it’s alright, all this. while tears continue to stream down my face

When my sorrow fades, I wipe away my tears and sniffle a few times, getting back in bed so I can go back to sleep

As soon as I close my eyes, I bring my hands together and tightly intertwine my fingers, begging the universe for me not to dream about my mother the way I did. Anything but that

It takes a while but finally, I fall asleep

It’s finally morning and as I open my eyes, it takes a while for my vision to adjust. I’m then reminded of the reason behind it 

As the view gets clearer, despite the discomfort in my eyes, I stare up at the beautiful white ceiling and while I blink. I feel the skin on the sides of my eyes and cheekbones tighter than usual. It’s because I didn’t wash my face after wiping my tears away before going back to sleep

The thick white blinds of my bedroom are still closed but there are a few sun rays beaming through and hitting the surface of the white walls, leading to some brightness in the room

It takes me a few more minutes to gather my thoughts so I close my eyes and just then, I hear the waves outside and that prompts me to get out of bed 

While my feet step on the plush carpet, I look back at the spot where I lay my head and it’s stained in my tears. I don’t want to dwell on it so I focus on heading to the bathroom.. 

As I lean forward and place my hands on the sides of the bathroom sink countertop, I can’t stop looking at my face in the mirror in front of me. My dark circles are extremely noticeable and I’m not even surprised

I bend over to wash my face a few times and when I stand upright and check myself out again, the only difference is I feel a little bit more awake but my gloomy expression doesn’t go away 

It’s a good thing I brought my makeup. I’ll be able to hide all my dark circles. I won’t let anyone see me like this 


Done with my face, I loosen my hair, take off my pajamas and step into the shower

As the water soaks my scalp, I sigh with relief and smile. I should enjoy the beautiful day. Even as I lather the shampoo in my hair, it’s all so refreshing

After I step out of the shower in a white robe, it’s time to bring more brightness into my room

my eyes at 

As soon as I approach the window and open the blinds, the morning sun hits my face and I love it. I even close the sound of the tranquil waves softly brushing against the shore, I sigh calmly, all of it being a soothing harmony for me and it envelops me


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