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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52 


Ohsilly me. Carmella playfully rolls her eyes and strokes my jawline. I forgot to mention that I was using my computer for this. My phone was definitely off

You were using your home computer?” 


So why was the door locked when I came here in the morning?” 

Oh, I had to step out and buy some milk. I guess that’s when you came over. I’m sorry about turning off my phone, babe. Don’t be mad at me 

There’s a part of me that’s still not fully convinced, but I decide to let it go because of how she pouts

Don’t ever turn off your phone again no matter what happens. Ill let it slide this time. I even thought you were upset about what happened with Vanessa

Ugh! Don’t mention that bitch. She crosses her arms

“I hope you weren’t bothered by those clips” 

Pre just 

No. You’re mine. Whatever that was, you were 

acting. But you could’ve still done way less” 

“I was drunk.” 

I know. That’s why I’m not mad about it.” 

I hold her tightly, knowing pretty well that I wasn’t acting when I was in bed with Vanessa

Babe, I can’t breathe.” She grunts

I relax my arm. I just missed you so much.” 

I know you did. That’s why you came here so quickly. Did you just come back from work?” 

I was actually at the children’s hospital.” 

I expect her 


fade right now because that’s what’s been happening every time I mention the children, but she keeps the same enthusiasm

Speaking of that, there’s something I need to tell you.She smiles at me, like there’s a huge announcement coming 

What is it?” 

She wraps her hand around my arm and says, I want to go to the orphanage.” 

I know she expressed her intentions before but the fact that she said it again makes me so proud

Really?I ask, my lips curving into a smile as I kiss her forehead 

Yeah, I really want to do it. Like 1 told you, I want to learn to bood with the kids. That way, I’ll be a great mom by the time we’ll be having our own kids after we get married in a few months!” 

I instantly stop kissing her, thinking about what she’s just said to me


Chapter 52 

On one hand, she believes that we’ll be married and start our own family. I actually want it to be her, but on the other hand, it has to be Vanessa. I need her

I haven’t even told her because I know she’s going to lose it. She has so much hope. What the hell am I supposed to do now

After spending time with her, I head over to meet Frank. I already planned on talking to him earlier about most of this, but now I really need to talk to him. He’s the only one I can tell since he’s the only friend who knows the truth

We meet up at a small bar and it’s not fully packed since the night is still young. I would’ve met him at his nightclub again, but I need this type of atmosphere right now

I try to compose myself as I get closer to our table, but it seems he’s already caught on as he studies me intently

Hey, man, what’s up?he says to me as we fist bump

I take a seat on the other side of the table, opening the bottle of whiskey on the table to pour myself a drink

Why does your suit look a little rough?he asks

I was with my babe. I smirk

I see. Well, say no more because I fully understand. Since we’re already on the topic, last night was amazing! Those girls were freaky as hell. It turns out they want to see me again.” 

Good for you,I reply, trying so hard to sound enthusiastic but just can’t and he picks up 

What’s going on with you?” 


Even though I don’t plan on telling him anything about what happened last night with Vanessa, I can tell him everything else

I pour myself another glass of whiskey, drink it all in one gulp, then slam the glass a little too loudly on the table

Whoa! Take it easy or you’re going to have to pay for the glass if you break it.” 

No big deal. I can pay for this whole place if I want and you know it.” 

Yeah, yeah, show off. Now, tell me what’s wrong with you. Come on. Get it off your chest because I know there’s something bothering you.” He leans forward and rests his elbows on the table

You know how I planned to divorce Vanessa in less than a year from now?” 

Of course I remember that ridiculous plan.” 

I need to start a family with her.” 

What?he asks loudly, rising from his seat with wide eyes

Everyone else seems to pay attention to us and he clears his throat as he sits back down

But that means that you and Carmella-” 

Yes, it complicates things for now and I fucking hate this so much because she’s the one I want for all this. My dad told me this is what I have to do to take over the company.” 

And knowing you, I already see you doing absolutely anything to take over the company” 



Of course. You know how long I’ve been waiting for this moment. Starting a family will be the final step toward taking over. ly babe’s waiting for the day when I tell her that I’m fimally divorcing Vanessa, but it’s not even happening that way.” 

intertwining his fingers. Have you told Carmella about this?“ 

Of course not. Why do you think I’m coming to you?My tones laced with irritation 

Easy there,” he says to me, gesturing with his hands. I really think you should tell her 

shake my head. I can already imagine her reaction. She’s going to be extremely furious.” 

Oh yeah, because she’s crazy as hell! What you need to realize is that if you tell her later, she’s still going to be furious. In act, her reaction might even be worse the more you delay” 

Maybe you’re right. One of these days, I’ll tell her but until then, keep it between us.” I warn him

Come on. Who else would I tell? Does Vanessa know about this

Of course she does. She’s the one I’m supposed to get pregnant Why wouldn’t she know?” 

Whoa, easy there. I see you’re really getting upset about this.” 

I sigh deeply to calm down. You don’t understand the gravity of the situation. I only realized it today when I was with Carmella. She wants to learn to bond with children so she’s ready once we start a family. Can you imagine she wanted us to start having kids now?” 

And you said no to that?” 

Yeah, I want to have children with my wife and it should be her, but it’s not

I hate to say this, and I really feel bad for you, but it sucks to be you right now!” 

Fucking asshole, I clench my jaw at him

He giggles. But tell me honestly, how do you feel about this whole family thing with Vanessa?” 

Just to have our kids, both of us have agreed to do it.” 

You really make it sound like an arrangement.” 

That’s because it is” 

He strokes his chin inquisitively. Does that mean you’re not looking forward to it?” 

I’m not. That’s why I haven’t fucked her since we got married. It just wait for the days she’s most likely to get pregnant

You know, maybe you’re acting this way because you’re just upses and conflicted about all this. But I don’t believe you when you say you’re not looking forward to this. Maybe I would have believed it before, but not right now. Things are different” 


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