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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 53


Chapter 53 


It’s very unusual for my dad to call me first thing in the morning, but today seems to be an exception. I don’t know what got Into him

How’s your husband this morning?he says, straining his voice little

He’s alright. He’s already left for work.” 

I’m glad.” 

He strains his voice again and the more we talk, the more I feel like something’s off with him

Dad? Is something wrong?” 

Not at all

Not at all. Why would you think something’s wrong?” 

You sound a little different.” 

“I guess I’m just stressed from all the work. With all the new investors coming in, I’ve already started making massive profits in a short period of time, but that means I also have to be more involved.” 

I see. That puts me at ease. Tll talk to you later.” 

I’ll talk to you later, my child.” 

After I put down my phone, I step into the shower and let the water soak my scalp. I take my time with it, thinking about how I haven’t seen Dominic since yesterday in the morning when he left for work

He must’ve come back much later in the night because I didn’t even hear him come in. And this morning, I only heard. footsteps in the hallway

After I’m done with my shower, I step onto the mat with a towel wrapped around my body

As soon as I open the bathroom door, the image of Dominic looking at my bare chest flashes in my mind. Is this what awaits me now? Will I always see him standing there and watching me

I wish I could change bedrooms, but that might make it obvious to him that something is up with me. I still don’t want him to know that I remember certain things

All dressed up, I head down stairs so I can have my breakfast. I’ve never sat at the dining table early in the morning to have a meal

The best part about this is that he’s already gone for work, so I don’t have to run into him

After I make it downstairs and make my way to the dining table, the butlers and maidservants are all lined up, panicking


I apologize for the delay, Ma’amone of the butlers says to me. I was just about to come up and call you!” 

Don’t worry about it,I say to him. I just came down early.” 

My assurance that I’m not mad about it seems to make them all relax a bit

As I turn at the corner, stepping foot into the dining room, I look down at my dress, trying to reposition the loose belt


But as I look up, I stop in my tracks at the sight before me. Dominic’s sitting at the table, having his breakfast. Why’s he still here? I thought he had already left

My first instinct is to turn around and leave, but again, that will just make it obvious that I’m being awkward around him because I remember what happened

Holding my head high, I relax my shoulders and approach the table

I wonder if I should say good morning to him or not I’ve never cone that before, but the room is already thick with tension

The butler comes in and pulls out a chair from me, then leaves

even look up at me as he eats. I guess I’ll keep my 

I’m sitting on the other end so I’m not too close to him. He doesn’t ew greeting to myself

As I finally help myself and begin to eat, there’s quite a distance between us because the dining table is wide, but I can feel his eyes on me. Is he thinking about what happened? Does he really not remember or am I right to think that he was alert enough to remember

I ignore it for a few seconds, but I still feel his eyes on me and I can’t take it anymore

Is there something on my face?I ask, looking up from my plate 

Are you talking to me?he asks arrogantly from the other side of the table

We’re the only ones here. Of course I’m talking to you.” 

He scoffs. But why would you ask me that?” 

It just felt like you were looking at me.” 

Get over yourself. Why would I ever look at you?” 

I’m instantly reminded of how he looked at my bare chest, but I soon block it out

Then forget it,I say in response. I guess my eyes were deceiving me.” 

Get them checked or something,he says mockingly

For a few more minutes, there’s the clanking of utensils until he finally gets up to leave. He heads out, only to turn around and take a few steps toward me

When do you plan on going to the orphanage?he asks with a blank expression

Three days from now. Why do you ask?” 

That way, they’ll know when to expect you. I’ll be out of town for three days, working with my father

It gives me some relief knowing that he won’t be around

And when do you plan on visiting Little Warriors Hospital with the toys?he asks, bringing my focus back to him

I can do it on the same day.” 

Good, because the kids kept asking me about you yesterday.” 

They did? I’m unable to hide my amusement so I smile a little

Yeah, it was actually annoying.He rolls his eyes. It almost feels like he’s a little bit jealous. I only kept telling them that 


Chapter 53 

you’d be there soon, so you better work on that.” 

I will. I promised them.” 


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