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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 55

Chapter 14 

Chapter 55 


Right after I slap Carmella, the palm of my hand stings but right now, I just don’t care

My eyes are blazing with anger and fixed on her as she touches her cheek while facing the other side. At this moment, I have no regrets

In only a few seconds, Dominic rushes between us but faces me, clenching his jaw hard as he looks down at me. I don’t even want to look at him after how far he let her go with this when he could’ve said something earlier. As I try to regulate my heavy and rushed breathing. I look to the side

1 know he’s fuming and has only stepped in to comfort her and lash out at me because I’m nothing to him. That’s why I’m so prepared for it that it won’t bother me at all when it happens

Babe,he says to her while still facing me.” 

Yyeah?she says, her tone a little shaky

Go outside and pick up that bear.” 

I instantly look back at him, my eyes widening a little at his instruction for her. I even hold my breath, wondering if I’ve just heard him correctly

What? Why the hell should I do that?” 

Who threw it outside?He looks over his shoulder

I did.” 

Then why should anyone else pick it up?” 

Because that shit doesn’t belong to me.” 

But who threw it outside?” 


Then go outside and pick it up.” 


Babe, I’m not going to repeat myself. Once you have it, bring it back here.” 

This is bullshit! She fucking slapped me and you’ll just let it go

I’ll handle that, too. Now, hurry up. I’ll be watching you through the window.” 

With a frustrated grunt, she storms out and slams the door.” 

Even after it’s just the two of us and he looks back at me, I’m still so shocked that I can’t speak. It feels like he’s about to lash out, but I don’t care. I was certain he wouldn’t give a damn in any way about what just happened and would only take Carmella’s side. But he stood up for me and did it because he knew the value I placed on that bear

My heart’s still racing just as fast as it did when I furiously slapped her, but it’s no longer the only reason. I’m so touched that even as his blank expression turns into a glare, I’m barely affected by it

Chapter 55 

Thank you,I finally say to him

I’m not doing this for you. I’m trying to respect your mother’s memory.” 

Though he sounds harsh, I’m more grateful than I am offended by it

Make that the last time you ever slap my girlfriend.His tone is low and threatening

As long as she doesn’t touch what’s important to me, then I’ll keep my hands to myself.I try to sound harsh as I say it, but I can’t. I’m deeply affected by the realization that he acknowledged the significance of the bear to me

As the seconds go by. I can already feel myself calming down. His glare doesn’t seem to go away, but not even that can ruin the way I feel right now 

While our eyes lock in a long silence, I notice his eyes soften just for a split second, then he looks away to the window


gets even closer 

Though I don’t move from my spot, I face his direction, staring at the view of his side profile as I gain an appreciation for him. This time, he really surprised me.. 

Right from where I stand, I hear Carmella speak to him from outside

Why can’t I just throw this crap up there through the window?” 

No, it should be in your hand when you come back inside.” 


I said no.He walks away from the window and heads out of my room


Alone, I stand by the window and look outside, my lips curving into a small smile as I completely calm my nerves. This makes him way less of an assholefor now

In the hallway, I hear Carmella whispering aggressively to Dominic, as if trying to talk her way out of what’s expected of her, but it seems he’s not changing his mind

It takes only a few seconds for her to barge into my room, and when she does, she hurls the bear at me. Even though it hits my face, I’m not offended by it and just smirk at her

Her face twists in anger as she keeps her eyes on me, slamming the door shut 

I hear Dominic calling out to her in the hallway, but it sounds like it’s not working out. Well, that’s not my problem

I sit down on the bed as I look down at the bear, glad that it came back to me the way it did


It doesn’t matter how many times I call out to Carmella. She walks away from me faster so she can get to the elevator. I only want to talk to her about this, but she’s too stubborn to listen and I fucking hate it

But enough of the attitude she’s portraying right now. Without a second thought, I grab onto her wrist, then pull her along to my bedroom

het me fucking go!She grunts, frantically trying to get out of my grip

I ignore her until I have her inside my bedroom, then lock the door behind me



Just as I face her so I can talk to her, she pushes me aggressively and my back hits the door. I almost lose my balance, but manage to stand on both feet

What the hell’s wrong with you?I ask, towering over her

I should be asking you that question!she yells, poking my chest with her finger

Keep your voice down. I don’t want the staff to hear you.” 

You think I give a damn right now? How dare you humiliate me in front of that bitch?” 

If you’re not going to keep your voice down, I’ll change my mind about having you stay here for a few days. That means I’m sending you home right now.” 


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