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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56 


Putting aside what just happened in Vanessa’s bedroom with Carmella, Vanessa and I are currently in an awkward place, at least on my end

That’s why before I even got home, I had spoken to my babe so she could move in and stay with me in this house for a few days. I felt that being alone with Vanessa wouldn’t be good for me 

There was that morning at the table when we had breakfast together for the first time while sitting far apart. I was still bothered by what had happened between us while on her bed

I had actually made efforts to move past it, but what made it difficult was when James showed me that sexy clip and asked if I was attracted to her. I could’ve easily just said no to him, but I said nothing at all in response. That has made me hate myself a little

I thought having Carmella stay here for a while would clear my mind. I could’ve easily just stayed with her at her apartment, or just avoided Vanessa as much as possible since we rarely see each other while in the house. However, that’s not enough. Even while I was away from Vanessa for three days, it wasn’t enough. I don’t want to feel this way about her

Carmella was also excited to come here and stay with me. She saw it as the perfect opportunity to remind Vanessa that I’m her man, which I’m looking forward to

But all that drive I once had to see Vanessa miserable and in tears is really gone now. I still don’t mind making one or two harsh remarks, but I just don’t have it in me to be as I was before. Maybe it’s because of all she’s been doing for the children at the hospital, and all she’s yet to do. Maybe it’s also because of her own sorrow, which I witnessed and comforted her. I don’t know

Right now, Carmella’s still waiting for my response as to why I’m not who I was before, and it takes me a moment to come up with something

The fact that you can’t even answer me speaks volumes,” she says, tapping her foot with a glare

Speaks volumes of what?I ask, finally snapping out of it.. 

You’ve really gone soft.” 


Then how do you explain the sudden change?” 

Look, it’s not sudden. I just have more important things going on right now, okay? I don’t have time for anything I’d consider less important.” 

Less important?Her eyes blaze with fury. Is that what you call putting that bthat thing in her place! So what’s next, huh? Are you going to make me apologize to her for what I did

No. Sending you outside was enough for you to learn your lesson.” 

You’ve never done such a thing to me before.She pouts

That’s because 1didn’t have to. Don’t make me do that ever again, alright?” 

Whatever.She looks away 

*I’ll be right back. I need to speak to Vanessa 



Chapter 56 

About what?” 

She’s supposed to go to the orphanage today.” 

About thatShe trails off, strongly shaking her head. You mentioned it earlier and now more than ever, I refuse to go with her after she slapped me.” 

Don’t forget that you started it.” 

There you go again taking her side

Tim not taking her side. Besides, you two are supposed to act as friends and this will put you in good books with my parents. Isn’t that what we want?” 

She smiles a little and wraps her arms around me. I really want your family to love me, but especially your parents.” 

And they willI assure her with a kiss on the lips. Wait here- 

As soon as I close the bedroom door, I lean against it for a few seconds, wondering what I’m getting myself into. Carmella’s still under the impression that we’ll be getting married soon, and that’s why she wants to learn to bond with children or be affectionate

I’ve wanted to tell her what the truth actually is, but I haven’t yet had the opportunity since I was away. I didn’t want to do it over the phone

But even without my change in plans, I still want her to get to interact with the children and not to be so cold

Getting away from my bedroom door, I head over to Vanessa’s and knock on it 

Who is it?she asks from inside

Who else would it be?I glare like she can see me

I already know what I’m here to say to her, but as soon as she opens the door, my mind goes blank for a few seconds. She’s in a bathrobe and her wet hair is framing her freshly washed face. Fuck

Need something?she asks, stepping away from the door with raised eyebrows

There are a few things we need to discuss.I step inside and close the door behind me. First of all, Carmella’s staying here for a few days and I expect you to be on your best behavior

She scoffs, running her fingers through her wet hair. You’re telling that to the wrong person. What’s the second thing?” 

My gaze lingers on the way her hair clumps together while wet, just like that night when we were both drunk and I couldn’t stop touching her, but I soon snap out of it 

You two are going to the orphanage together,I say to her


Don’t forget that you two are supposed to be friends. Besides, she wants to be around children.” 

-She bursts into laughter. And you believe that?” 

What the fuck are you trying to say about her?” 

Nothing. I don’t mind if she’s coming, but she’s riding in her own car. Anything else?” 

She doesn’t yet know that you and I will be working on a baby soon, so keep your mouth shut until I tell her.” 


Chapter 56 

Why would I tell her? It’s not like there’s anything to brag about 

I give a half smile as I face the floor. Vanessa obviously doesn’t know me. That’s why I’ve decided to not even bother telling her what I’m capable of 

Just don’t say anything.I warn her

I won’t.” 


I’m all ready to leave for the orphanage, and feel like heading to the elevator right away, but I need to talk to Dominic first. I don’t know if he’s in his bedroom or not. 1 called his phone but I couldn’t seem to reach him 

With no other choice, I knock on his bedroom door but he doesn’t respond

Dominic? Are you there?” 

In only a few seconds, the door opens and I’m looking right at Carmella. She’s already dressed up to leave

What are you doing here? Trying to o get my man’s attention? It’s not going to work. Just go.” She sneers at me 

Holding my head high, I say, I see you’ve lost my handprint on your cheek.” 

She scowls. You fur-” 

Nope, not in my house. Dominic warned you

What’s going on?he asks, finally coming to the door and standing behind her

Hey, I need to talk to you before I leave, I say to him

If you want to talk to my man, do it right here.” 

I ignore her and keep my eyes on him. It’s about the orphanage 

That instantly grabs his attention and he walks past her and steps out of his bedroom

Are you fucking kidding me?She chuckles bitterly 

Get back inside and finish up. Can’t you see this is important?he says to her

Ugh!She storms off, leaving the door open

What is it?he asks, turning his attention to me as he leans against the wall

“I know all about the children at the hospital, but is there anything you can tell me about the ones at the orphanage?” 

He chuckles and I can already see his eyes light up before he even speaks. The older ones are okay and well behaved, but the little ones are clingy and highly energetic, and those are my favorite.” 

In that case, I’m up for it.I smile with determination. What if they ask me about you?” 

Tell them I’ll visit another day. I actually have some paperwork right now.” 


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