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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57 


I know Dominic gave me a heads up of what to expect at the orphanage, but it’s still overwhelming

Even with that, it’s nothing I can’t handle. The children are all lovely and of course, the little ones are very adorable, especially when they cling into me


far, I’ve read a few books to them and they always seem to want more

As for Carmella, I’ve barely seen her around and each time that have, she’s just standing at a distance, taking pictures. I really don’t know what she’s here for and I can’t believe she actually convinced Dominic that she wants to be here because of the children. Is he really that blinded by her

While I’m in the middle of reading another book to the children outside, I spot Carmella again, taking more pictures and changing the scenery. I shouldn’t even be pay attention to her. She’s none of my concern, so I look back at the book and finish reading

Despite how long I’ve been doing this, I’m still so enthusiastic about it and at the end, I say, And they lived happily ever aftert 

Everyone gives a round of applause, except the little girl in my arms. I only started holding her not too long ago

What’s wrong, sweetie?I ask, my voice gentle

Is Mr Richards really not able to visit us today?she asks, her voice and big eyes filled with longing

He really can’t make it today.I smile

I look around as I once again tell them he’ll be here another day, and they all have these gloomy faces

I’ve noticed just how much all these children love Dominic. He’s done so much for them and he still is. He’s even paying their school bills and spends time with them whenever he can. The joy he brings to them is undeniable. I hate to admit it but I’m even more certain of the fact that he’ll be a great father

After spending a few more minutes with them, I receive a call from my dad. I still excuse myself but it’s not so easy to stay away from everyone

Dad, I can’t talk for long because the children are already calling for me.” 

I can tell,” he says with some strain from the other end of the line. I hear the children’s excitement in the background. I was just checking up on you.” 

Dad? Are you really alright? You’re coughing again.” 

Don’t mind me. Have fun with the children.” 

As he ends the call, I look down at the screen with a sigh. Had his cough really been something to worry about, he would’ve told me

And with that, I return to the children, joining a different group this time

After I’m done spending time with them, I head over to the kitchen and join the chefs. I don’t mind cooking with them and there’s a lot on the menu to be prepared. I’m already so into it that I put on my apron

This menu has everything and looks so healthy,” I say to the main chef, impressed


“It is, she replies. Mr Richards always makes sure everyone here is well fed.” 

It’s not just the chefs who speak so highly of Dominic, even the gardeners say the same thing about just how much he cares for the children and I believe them, because I’ve seen it with my own eyes

Once it’s time to serve the food, the children begin to line up

At the same time, Carmella struts in while striking a pose for her phone, her heels clicking loudly

I look over at the other chefs and they try to mind their own business, because according to everyone here, she’s my friend. To be honest, I’m actually embarrassed that this is how she’s conducting herself

I can’t even tell her to stop because she’s too far away. Also, I know that even talking to her will be futile

While the children are served their food by us, Carmella comes right to the front and stands next to me since I’m right at the end. She even takes pictures of what we’re serving

You better stop embarrassing yourself, I whisper to her with a fake smile

No,she whispers, fake smiling back at me

Just then, afittle boy named Billy, who’s not even lined up yet, smiles as he nudges her by pulling on her dress, and she instantly shoves him to the floor with no hesitation

Don’t touch me!she says, twisting her face in disgust

Timmediately abandon my post and rush to pick up Billy, who looks up at Carmella with fear

Hey, it’s alright,” I assure him, gently touching his hair. Are you hurt?” 

He shakes his head as he wipes his tears while getting up 

Fuming even more, I look over at her and she seems to have no regrets about what she just did, even when the others are looking at her in disbelief

I quietly speak to him and it turns out he was just curious about seeing the pictures Carmella has been taking since he rarely gets to see that


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