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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 


As the hotel tea burns Carmella, she attempts to scramble to her feet while screaming in agony but doesn’t even manage to get out of her chair. Instead, it falls backwards and she falls along with it, the staff instantly rushing to her

I’m so taken by surprise that I’m unable to focus on Mia until she speaks

Vanessa? What’s going on there?” 

Til call you back,” I say to her, quickly ending the call 

Just as the others try to help Carmella, she aggressively pushes them away and yells, Don’t touch me! All of you stay away from me

Calm down. They’re just trying to help, I step in 

She shoots me a glare while trying to deal with the burning sensation. If it’s you, just mind your own business because you did this to me

What? Me?My jaw drops

Yes, you did this on purpose!” 

You can’t be serious right now. I don’t even know what you’re talking about

“I fucking hate this right now!She tries to get off the floor, her breaths quick and short

Once again, they try to help her but she pushes everyone away 

Just bring me some cold water from the fucking table!” 

At this point, I don’t even want to deal with her madness, so I call Mia back

Hey, what was that about?” she asks with curiosity

Nothing to worry about. It was just someone who’s staying over. Now, as I was saying, I met Patrick Kentworth yesterday. You won’t believe what he told me.” 

As I start walking out, I notice Carmella trying to get up while elongating her neck in my direction. What the hell is going on with her

I might’ve felt bad for her but on second thought, she deserved it. I wonder how she was so careless. And what part did I have to play in this when she said it was my fault? At this point, I’m certain she’s crazy. That’s why I shouldn’t pay her any 


After my call with Mia is cut short because she has something important to take care of get myself ready to work on the business ideas I came up with after being inspired at the women’s conference

I make rough drafts on some papers, then look up a few possible business directions online and when I look at the time, it’s already two hours

While I’m in the living room, one of the butlers tells me that Carmella’s been in her bedroom ever since she got burned and she keeps screaming at everyone who attends to her

As I hold up one of the documents I printed out, Dominic finally returns home and he actually looks exhausted


Hey,I say to him but instantly press my lips together. Since when did I sound so enthusiastic when talking to him first

He seems so at ease that I’m assuming he doesn’t yet know what happened with Carmella

He doesn’t even go upstairs right away but drops himself on the other couch, looking at the ceiling. He then sighs heavily as he loosens his necktie. I’ve never seen him like this after coming back from work and I actually get a little concerned

Is everything okay?Lask

Not yet. What’s that?He looks down at the documents

Oh, it’s just something I’m trying to work on regarding the business ideas I have.” 

And what do you know about that stuff?He tilts his head

Well, I’m trying to learn.” 

Give me that.He holds out his hand

As soon as I hand him the documents, he goes through all of them quickly while shaking his head

Where did you get this information? It’s all wrong” 

I roll my eyes. Of course you’d say that. My motherinlaw says you’re good at this stuff

Why do you think I just said it’s all wrong? Put this aside for now because it’s not even what you should be focusing tell you exactly what you need but that’ll be later.” 

You’re really going to help me?I ask, pleasantly surprised

As long as it makes me look good, yes.” 

Of course. I should ve seen that coming 

Where’s Carmella?” 

I don’t know. I’m not her babysitter

Why the hell did I even ask? Forget I did. Now, tell me about your time at the orphanage.” 


As soon as he asks, 1 begin explaining to him all the beautiful things that happened. Despite his expression when he first walked in, his face brightens up with each description I give of the children and how they couldn’t stop asking about him

Wow, I really need to go there soon.” He chuckles. Anything else?” 

It takes me a moment as I think about how Carmella got to Domenic first and fabricated a story about what happened with Billy

Though I don’t yet have proof, I attempt to talk to him about it 

Billy was-” 

I know about that part. No need to tell me. I even sorted it out.” 

I sigh deeply, thinking about the moment I’ll actually expose her lies. My words won’t be enough

Did you take any pictures?he asks, grabbing my attention again

Yes, I did.” 


Show me.He sounds extremely enthusiastic and even sits up more


I hate to admit this to myself, but I expected nothing less from Vanessa when it comes to her love for the children. The way they all behave when she’s around tells no lies. I see their happiness in all these pictures and clips she took using her phone

By the way,she says, there was this one boy who wouldn’t stop crying and I had to show him your pictures just so he’d 

calm down.” 


Yeah, you should really visit them soon.” 

I’m so busy lately, but I definitely will. Speaking of children. I trail off, hoping she gets where I’m going with this

She clears her throat and looks away as she says, I know. Not ye 

I nod, understanding what she’s trying to say, You better tell me as soon as it’s time.” 

I know.” 

Just as I’m about to hand her back her phone so I can freshen up and spend time with my babe, Vanessa receives a call from Mia and I give her the phone faster

As she starts talking to Mia, I rise to my feet and I’m about to head to the elevator but pause when she mentions a guy named Patrick. She met with a guy while at the orphanage? What? Her exboyfriend

I don’t know how to explain it, but hearing all this actually gets me more curious and a little upset. I don’t want to look like I’m eavesdropping, so I head to the elevator but very slowly

To my disappointment, I don’t even hear much more as she heads in the other direction while still talking to Mia. Shit. Why am I so curious

Even while I’m in the elevator, I’m bothered by what Vanessa said but I tell myself to stop thinking about it and only focus on spending time with my babe. There was too much going on at work that I needed a clear and focused mind. That’s why when my phone shut down, I didn’t bother charging it

Since she’s here, I also feel like this is the perfect opportunity to tell her the truth. The sooner the better

The moment I walk into her bedroom, I find her curled up while she’s in a loose black dress

To gently wake her up, I kiss her forehead but as soon as I place my hand on her thigh, she screams with wide eyes and pushes me away

Though I almost lose my balance, I regain my footing, shocked by her reaction.. 

What the hell was that?” I say to her

Babe, it’s just you. Ugh! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that. It just hurts a lot.” 

What hurts?” 

got burned two hours ago while having breakfast.” She lifts her dress and shows me her thighs

What happened?I get closer and sit beside her, hating how this happened while I was away

“It’s all because of your fucking wife.” 


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