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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 61

hapter 61 


As soon as I break the news to Carmella, she pulls her hand away, her face twisting in an ugly sneer

Did I hear that right?she asks. You can’t be serious with what you just said to me

Calm down and listen t-” 

Don’t tell me to calm down! You’re seriously going to fuck her? And what about us?” 

You’re getting the wrong idea. I’m only doing this for the sake of the company. That moment will mean nothing at all.” 

Even as I assure her of all this, there’s a part of me that doesn’t seem convinced of everything coming out of my mouth

How could you do this to me? Do you mean to tell me I’ve been patient for nothing 

As she goes on a rant about how long she’s been waiting, I rub my temples, trying to get her to lower her voice but that does nothing until she finally gives it a rest


Are you done?I ask

No, I’m not yet done. What do you think? Am I supposed to be smiling right now, knowing that you’ll be fucking that bitch? This is all her fault. You know what? I’ll make sure I put her in a place for this 

As she attempts to get out of bed with her burns, I hold onto her hand and stop her

Enough,I say to her. Who told you that Vanessa’s behind all this.? I am. It was my decision and I told her about it. I already told you what the company means for me and this is what it’s going to take for my father to finally let me ta 

But there are other ways to get her pregnant. Why not go to the hospital or something?” 

And what happens if people find out? Have you thought about that?” 

take over.” 

I just can’t stand the idea of you being in bed with her. How do you think it makes me feel? No, this won’t happen. I’ll make sure she loses her eyesight or something before I let her have you in bed.” 

Don’t you dare hurt Vanessa My voice is a little threatening

Now you’re being protective of her?” 

She’s the one my parents approved of, and until I have everything I need, I’m not going to let anything happen to her. Nothing is going to stand in the way of my goal to take over the company” 

She scoffs as she points at herself. Not even me?” 

Not even you

The room falls silent for about a minute, but suddenly, she hurls a pillow across the room

Fuck!She grunts, Now that we’re not getting married any time soon and starting our own family, I clearly went to that damn orphanage for nothing!” 

While I get that she’s upset, and she has every right to be, her words catch me by surprise and I find them upsetting

Did you just say you went to the damn orphanage for nothing?I ask, my heart racing faster



Shapter 61 

Of course! Why else do you think I went there! Just to have some fun? Well, let me tell you something, it definitely wasn’t fun being around all those kids and I regret wasting my precious time because I hated every second!” 

As she goes on a long rant and mentions the orphanage over and over again, it raises so many questions for me

After she gets it off her chest, it takes me a moment to say what’s on my mind and when I do, I firmly shake finally speak

my head as

I was hoping to get you to understand what’s going on with the company but you know what? I’ve just learned something new and I’m extremely disappointed right now

I get 

off the bed so I can leave, but she grabs onto my wrist

Babe, please don’t go. II didn’t mean any of it 

You think I believe that right now?I pull my wrist away without looking back, heading straight for the door

With the burning sensation, she’s a little slow and that gives me the opportunity to get away from her and leave her bedroom

I head straight to my bedroom, slam the door and lock it, then set on my couch with a deep exhale

Even as I hear her banging on my door, I don’t bother to open it. How could she openly admit to hating her time at the orphanage and disrespecting the children, then claiming she didn’t mean it

After it settles down, I assume she’s gone back to her bedroom, but she starts banging on another door and I know right away she’s standing at Vanessa’s door

Why is she trying to make a scene right now? I’d stop this, but I don’t want to see her face at the moment

Since Vanessa’s still downstairs, Carmella gets no response from her, and that just makes her return to my door and beg for me to open up. I really don’t want to deal with her right now. The last time I was this upset with her was when she told me she didn’t give a damn about little Jimmy, but this is different because this time, I really feel like I’m at my limits

After she finally slams her bedroom door, I close my eyes, wanting to hear from Vanessa. In any other situation, I wouldn’t even do what I’m about to do, but I need to find out, so I wait a few minutes before heading out I can only hope Carmella doesn’t follow me. Even if she does, I’m talking to Vanessa in private


Since Sophie’s launch is coming up, along with the cologne Dominic modeled for, I’ve had a few outfits in mind

Now that my long call with Mia has come to an end, I should go upstairs and try to figure out the final looks I want for both 


As I walk back into the living room, I spot the papers on the table and smile a little at how Dominic offered to guide me. It doesn’t matter if he’s doing it for selfish reasons. I’m glad he’s going to get me on the righttrack because I really want to work on these business ideas

Slowly, I make my way to the elevator, thinking about his reminder and it makes me nervous knowing that in a few days, it’ll be time for us to do it. Now that I think about it, why didn’t I just use that moment to give him a heads up? Because now I’ll have to tell him again and can’t even imagine myself doing it

While it feels like I’ve moved past what happened between us that night when I was drunk, especially because he’s been away for a while, I have to admit that I’m still curious about what we talked about. We had to have talked about something. I don’t think we just got straight into it


16:30 Fri, Jul 5 GO 

Chapter 61 

As soon as the elevator opens, I feel a little flustered at the sudden sight of him and even hesitate to get in


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