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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 65

Chapter 65 


After constantly thinking about Dominic’s breakup, I only managed to fall asleep around 4 a.m. and now, I’m paying the price for it as I feel like I didn’t rest enough. It’s even obvious from my eyes. But these signs of tiredness still won’t get in the way because I’ll use makeup to cover it all up. I can’t afford to look like a mess

I’m supposed to meet Sophie at 12 p.m. so I can try on the diamond necklaces before they launch. I know that even if I don’t give her my opinion, she’ll still be launching them anyway, but actually want to do this. I was honored that she asked. Knowing her fashion sense and just how influential she is in the beauty industry, I’m certain all the pieces look great

Just so I’m ready in advance, I decide to take a shower but before I can even go in, I finally hear from Dominic when he calls. I feel like I’m making it too obvious that I’m so relieved he’s finally gotten in touch with me, and even when I ask where he is, it leaves me feeling a little embarrassed. I’m just glad he’s okay 

Right after my call with him, I step into the shower, the same image of him watching my bare chest flashing in my mind once I’m done and stand in the doorway. I wonder if that’ll ever go away. But unlike before, it doesn’t bother me as much

Just as I reach for another towel for my wet hair, I receive another call and it’s from a number I don’t recognize. My first thought is that it’s Carmella and it’s only because Dominic subtly hinted at the situation with her. But on second thought, it can’t be. I already blocked her, so with that in mind, I pick up


Good morning, Vanessa. It’s Patrick,he says from the other end of the line

Patrick! I was wondering when I’d hear from you.” My lips curve into a smile

He chuckles nervously, I actually wanted to call you right away but thought I’d wait. I didn’t want to seem like I was in a hurry or anything.” 

I’m glad you finally called.” 

“I hope your husband doesn’t mind that I’m calling you.” 

Not all,I say to him, thinking about how I’m free to do whatever I want, just like Dominic is

Are you home?he asks


Is he with you?” 

No, but he’s on his way back.” 

Then I guess I should make this quick.He chuckles nervously again

Come on. I’ve already told you that it’s okay.” 

He sighs with relief. In that case, ever since I saw you at the orphanage, I couldn’t stop thinking about certain incidents from high school. They just sort of came back to me.” 

Oh, yeah? Like which ones?My eyes widen in curiosity

Remember the ice cream incident by the water fountain?” 

I chuckle with embarrassment and hide my face in the towel. Oh, no, please don’t bring that up.” 


I just couldn’t help it. Iclearly remember your face when it happened.” 

Despite playfully warning him a few times, he goes on to talk about it and while on the phone with him, I use my other hand to dry my hair with the towel after uncovering my face

Since I woke up late because of the time I fell asleep, I’m having my breakfast a little late. Though it’s not yet ready, I don’t want to just sit here in my bedroom. I want to take a walk around the house

While in my bathrobe, I slowly make my way through the hallway, still talking to Patrick on the phone. Unlike yesterday, he sounds more at ease, and he’s actually still funny. I didn’t know he still had it in him to make me laugh

Since I’m not in a hurry, I lean against the wall, looking right at the elevator and just then, it opens and I see Dominic. I’m actually surprised that he’s already here and my heart starts racing, but I try not to show it by focusing on the call. Even though I keep smiling, I ask myself why my heart is racing. It didn’t happen until Dominic showed up

With a blank expression, he walks past me and heads in the other direction

I don’t know what I was expecting to happen, but this is how it should be, so I completely focus on my phone call with Patrick, and he reminds me of something else that was so funny that I burst into laughter

Oh, Patrick, don’t make me laugh so hardI place my hand on my ribs, my laughter causing me some pain

He giggles from the other end of the line. T’m just glad I made you laugh, but you know it’s true.” 

While still facing the other side, I realize I didn’t hear Dominic open any door, I even feel like he’s still behind me, so I turn around and he definitely is, but he’s already walking to his bedroom door. I furrow my eyebrows at how it’s taken a bit longer than usual. Maybe I’m just thinking too much

You know, I’d love to see you again, but I don’t know if you’d want to see me. And on top of that, you’re a busy and married 


Of course I’d love to see you. That’s why I gave you my number We’ll definitely meet up.” 

After hearing all about Patrick’s struggles during the chat I had with him at the orphanage, I feel like there’s something I can do to help him. I can only hope he’ll work hard and not mess up 


My movements are a little rough as I take off my shirt and unbuckle my belt. It’s because I can still hear Vanessa in the hallway, talking to Patrick and constantly bursting into laughter, What the hell is he telling her that she’s laughing this hard? I’ve never seen her like this before, not even with Jake or Frank 

And why the hell does she want to meet up with him? Though I can’t stop her, I hate to admit that it’s bothering me a little since this is her exboyfriend

She should’ve gone downstairs by now, but I can still hear her latghing in the hallway. It’s fuckingatinoying

Just as I head to the bathroom, someone knocks on my door. I don’t know who it is, but I wrap only a towel on my lower half, then open the door, only to see Vanessa standing there

The moment she sees the towel hiding what’s underneath, she clears her throat and looks away, her hair clinging to her face

Sorry,” she says. I didn’t know you were-” 

Stop acting like you’ve never seen me like this before. What is it 

The nerve of her to come and talk to me right after talking to Patrick makes me clench my jaw

“I just wanted to tell you something important,she says, still not looking at me. Your mother was here last evening and “I know. I spoke to her this morning” 

Oh, okay 

She’s still trying so hard not to look at me and despite how I feel, find this funny. We once spent a whole night in a room together. I guess it’s just that she’s not used to this

Anything else?I ask

Before she can respond, her phone beeps and she looks down at her screen. Her face instantly brightens up and it actually makes me raise my eyebrows at her. Was that a message from Parick? Once again, I tell myself that it doesn’t matter. She’s free to do whatever she wants

If you’re just going to stand here and not talk, I’m going to take a shower now.I glance at her phone as if I’m able to see what she’s looking at

She shoots her head up with a glare just for a second before her eyes return to normal. I have something else to say but it’s not important, at least to you.” 

Spit it out 

“I’m meeting up with Sophie in an hour.” 

Seriously? Why are you only telling me this now?” 

Considering the state you were in- 

That should be none of your concern. You should’ve told me earlier.” 

She scoffs. Why?” 

Because I’m supposed to go with you.” 

Says who? I can do this alone.” 

No, I’m coming with you. I have a very important meeting, but it’s only in the afternoon. I can spare an hour. I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing this for me. Got it?” 


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