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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife novel (Vanessa and Dominic) novel Chapter 66

Chapter 66 


What about her?I sit up more, already rubbing my temples with worry

From the other end of the line, Frank says, Since she can’t reach you, she’s called me a few times in the last hour but I haven’t picked up any of her calls or replied to the long message she sent 

I shake my head with a sigh. Seriously? I thought something really bad happened.” 

This is definitely serious! I don’t want to deal with your crazy exgirlfriend, so you better deal with her.” 

What did her message say?” 

She wants to see you so you can talk and if you choose to ignore her, she’ll camp right outside your house until it raises suspicions.” 

Is she that desperate?” 

If she’s telling you this through me, isn’t it obvious?” 

“I hope you blocked her.” 

Of course I did, but you better deal with her madness before she shows up at my house. Just talk to her or something because I don’t want her here.” 


Would you rather she camps outside your house?” 

I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.” 


I’ll talk to you later.” 


I end the call and sigh heavily, thinking about the lengths Carmella’s trying to go to just to get my attention

Is everything okay?Vanessa asks


You don’t look okay.” 

It doesn’t matter.I look outside the window, clenching my jaw 

It seems that the change in my mood has put an end to Vanessa’s annoying chat as she stops texting and chuckling. It’s better this way. Otherwise, it would only annoy me even more

It hasn’t even been twenty four hours since I ended my relationship with Carmella and she’s already threatening to do something that’ll obviously he a bad look for me, but no. She’s not getting what she wants. I ended our relationship and it needs to stay that way

We’re almost at the store,” I say to Vanessa. People will be watching. You know what to do.” 



Of course.” 



While holding hands, Dominic and I walk into Sophie’s elegant store and I feel my heart begin to race. Maybe it’s because I haven’t been this way with him for a few days now

The walls are a blend of white and black and the warm lighting from the chandeliers makes the jewelry sets on display even more sparkly. I can only imagine what it’ll look like once the diamond collection will be on display

I know he wants to go up right away to his sister’s office, but I feel like checking out a few sets just for a minute

I only have an hour. Come on, let’s go,he says to me, his tone gentle as he smiles at me

Just a minute. I just want to look at this set, please?” 

Fine, make it quick.” 

I glance around at the other customers and the store assistants looking on, and they try to hide their amusement at our interaction, but it’s pretty obvious to Dominic and I. 

While he stands behind me, I lean forward to check out one of the sets, my lips curving into a smile at how beautiful it is

This is gorgeous,” I say to him as I look back

Huh? Yes, it is,” he says, not looking in my direction as he clears his throat. Did I miss something

o when he wraps 

his arm 

Not wanting to delay Dominic, I walk over to him so we can go upstairs, and I hold in my gasp around my waist. It’s been a while since he touched me there

Composing myself, I relax my shoulders as we head to the elevator

He presses the button once we’re inside, then drops his arm from my waist the moment no one can see us

Sophie can be a loudmouth sometimes, always reporting even the most unnecessary things to my parents. That’s why I expect you to keep this up. Who knows what she’ll say!” 

I know. You don’t have to remind me. Besides, the only reason you accompanied me was so you could show off

Just as the elevator gets to our intended floor, he says, Give me your hand.” 

Slowly, I give him my hand and just like a few minutes ago, my heart starts racing. What’s wrong with me

The elevator opens and in the corridor, a few members of staff, elegantly dressed in suits, welcome us while standing still and making way for us

With his head high, Dominic leads the way and I walk behind him while still holding his hand. I can’t help but stare at his broad back. Even though he’s in a long sleeved white shirt, I can still make out the outline of the muscles on his back

Telling myself to stop having such thoughts, I look away

I can already hear Sophie’s voice as she speaks to someone. It could be on the phone or someone in her office

As soon as Dominic opens the door and steps into her office first she says, Where’s Vanessa?” 


apter 66 

lax, she came, too,he replies, sounding a little annoyed

vas just making sure.She sighs

ere she is, he says, opening the door wider so she can see me

soon as our eyes meet, Sophie rises from her seat with a bright smile. You’re here! I’ve been waiting for you!” 

ull away from Dominic’s grip as Sophie and I embrace each other. From that angle, I can see him and he crosses his arms. he pokes his cheek. Is he jealous right now

thought you were coming alone. I didn’t know you were coming with my brother.” She smacks the side of his arm

had an hour to spare so I thought I’d accompany my wife, Dominic steps in

eah, yeah, she rolls her eyes at him. You always get to be with her and I don’t, yet you’re still here.” 

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be around my wife so much. He looks at me with a warm smile. It almost feels enuine, but I know it’s not. Well, bring out those necklaces so we can see them.” 

know he’s putting on a show, but it also feels like he’s trying to shut out what he’s feeling. It hasn’t even been twenty four ours since he broke up with Carmella

Please come and sit with me,Sophie says to us, leading the way to the white sofas as she gives instructions to her assistant

Jominic and I sit right next to each other and I can only hope he doesn’t wrap his arm around my sensitive waist again

As Sophie’s assistant brings a few black boxes and sets them on the table, I can tell just how excited she is about the launch

You guys, this is my first diamond necklace collection and I have so many expectations!She gently claps

It’ll be a huge success,I assure her

Oh, come onShe chuckles. You haven’t even seen any piece yet

It’s going to suck. Dominic playfully chimes in

Hey!She shoots him a playful glare, then looks back at me. I heard from mom that you have some business ideas. I want to know all about them!” 

Well, I don’t have anything concrete yet. Someone said he’d help me but that hasn’t yet happened. I gesture with my head 

toward Dominic 

Big brother, what are you waiting for?She frowns

“I’ve just been busy, okay? I’ll definitely get to it,” he says.. 

Please don’t make me wait too long.” I turn to face him and look into his eyes

I won’t.” 

I hope he means it because I’m eager to learn



es lock for a few seconds as we smile at each other and I can’t seem to look away, neither can he 

I’m unable to read the look in his eyes but whatever it is, it’s intense, and I actually feel a little intimidated by it. I even feel 

my heart racing again 


It’s only when Sophie clears her throat that we break eye contact 



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