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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 191

Chapter 191 Gentleness

"It doesn't matter anymore. I've already asked my lawyer to handle it... I'm tired now. I'm going to take a shower." Ranita didn't want to continue talking about Shannon so she found an excuse to end the conversation.

"That's fine! Let me run some water for you so you can relax in a bath."

For a moment, Ranita was stunned.

When did Brendon become so gentle? And why was he helping with running bathwater for her? She bit down on her lip but couldn't help feeling happy inside at his kindness compared with before when he wasn't as caring towards her feelings.

Her tone softened slightly, "I'll just wash up quickly. I don't want to soak in the tub. You go ahead and deal with your work."

Brendon came over here specifically for business matters after all; he was indeed busy.

After finishing up in the shower, Ranita saw that Brendon was still working in his study room so she made him a cup of coffee before bringing it over, "Are you still not done yet?"

"It'll take a bit more time! Thanks!" Brendon took the coffee, had a sip, and frowned.

Ranita quickly explained, "It's fine. I didn't bring you coffee; it's from the hotel. Maybe the taste isn't that great."

"No problem! You're tired, go rest. I'll sleep later," Brendon said.

Ranita nodded.

She felt a bit surreal, as if they were back in the past. Ranita lay on the bed and chatted with Eve, "Eve, how's your health?"

"Better! Just uncomfortable lying down every day," Eve replied almost instantly, probably bored. "If you weren't carrying a golden treasure, I would definitely be cursing you right now. With such a big thing happening online, and you didn't let me help you!"

Ranita smiled.

"It's not that I didn't let you help. You're also in that circle. If this incident dragged you into trouble, it might bring negative publicity to you." Pausing, Ranita sent her a pleading emoji, "I know you mean well, but I also want what's best for you!"

"Besides, I won't let anyone bully me!"


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