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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 204

Chapter 204 Free Meal

"Ranita, don't be stubborn!" Brendon paused before continuing, "Let me help you with your luggage."

Ranita returned to the suite just as the waiter brought in their dinner. Brendon took it upon himself to put her luggage away and instructed her, "You should eat quickly! Don't starve yourself."

"I'll wait for you," she replied.

"Great!" Brendon raised his eyebrows and went to wash his hands before sitting across from her.

"Ranita, I'm sorry about Shannon's behavior," he said.

At his words, Ranita's fingers stiffened. She looked down and said, "What are you apologizing for?"

"Shannon doesn't know any better and made you unhappy."

"Eat first, talk later," Ranita didn't want to discuss Shannon.

They had only taken a few bites when the doorbell rang. Ranita's eyelids twitched with a sense of foreboding. As expected, they heard Shannon's soft voice calling out sweetly, "Brendon, I'm hungry. Can you accompany me to the restaurant?"

Brendon replied softly, "I'm already eating..."

Before he could finish refusing her request though, Shannon hurriedly walked in two steps saying in a low voice, "Brendon! It would be great if I can join too? Eating alone is so lonely..."

As she spoke she caught sight of Ranita sitting upright like a stick; seeming hesitant for quite some time before finally stuttering out, "Sorry for disturbing you Ranita..."

Ranita silently grumbled in her mind, thinking, "If you know it's embarrassing, then don't come!"

"Brendon! If Ranita minds, I can go back. I won't die if I miss a meal," Shannon sniffled, her eyes already misty with tears, looking pitifully upset.


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