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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 205

Chapter 205 Shannon's Accident

"I'm full, you guys can take your time!" Ranita put down her tableware and stood up.

"Ranita!" Shannon reached out to grab her, but Ranita recoiled and instinctively waved her hand.


Her backhand hit Shannon's face directly.

The scene fell silent.

Shannon covered her face and immediately turned red-eyed. She sobbed as she ran into Brendon's arms. "Waaah! Ranita, even if you have a problem with me, you can't just hit me like that!"

Facing the accusation, Ranita was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect it to happen like this. She furrowed her brow and said, "It was an accident. I didn't mean to hit your face."

Ranita really didn't mean it; if she had meant it, she would have used more force instead of being so light-handed.

"Waaah! Brendon, my face hurts so much! What am I going to do... if there's a mark left on my face how can I go out in public?" Shannon continued to cry pitifully while constantly burying herself in Brendon's embrace. It made Ranita feel uncomfortable just watching them.


"Shannon, Ranita didn't mean it; stop crying!" Brendon comforted Shannon while giving a stern look at Ranita. "Ranita, apologize to Shannon."

"No no no... it was my fault! I shouldn't have come to Qaesburg or looked for you. Everything is my fault..." Sobbing uncontrollably again after pushing away from Brendon's embrace, Shannon ran straight out the door.

Brendon looked at Ranita and said, "I'll go check on Shannon."

"Go ahead! Miss Murphy is naive by nature; if anything happens later don't blame me!"

Brendon went after her .

Shannon ran very fast. When he caught up with her, the elevator doors closed right in front of him.


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