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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Clumsy Means, but Effective

As soon as Brendon left, Shannon walked up to Ranita, chin held high and voice sweetly cooing, "Ranita, what a coincidence! I never thought that Brendon and I would run into you on our date today."

Unfortunately for Shannon, Ranita wasn't buying it.

"Shannon, who you're dating has nothing to do with me," she replied coolly. Shannon immediately looked at her with a hurt expression. "Ranita, did I do something to upset you?"

Ha! Shannon always managed to get on her nerves.

"Ranita, don't be mad at me! If there's anything that bothers you about me, just tell me and I'll change it! Brendon said that your personality is great and your temper is good too. He wants us to get along!"

Suppressing her anger towards Shannon's inability to understand human speech properly, Ranita replied coldly, "Haha... look at yourself - coming over here all pitiful then acting like the victim again! Miss Murphy, please leave before I end up bullying you later."

Shannon's eyes welled up with tears as she saw the untouched red wine sitting by their table. She quickly poured two glasses of wine - one for herself and one for Ranita - apologizing profusely, "I'm sorry Ranita! It was my fault; please accept my apology..."

Without waiting for an answer from Ranita though, Shannon slammed her glass against hers, causing the contents of both glasses spilling onto them both. Ranita reflexively tried blocking it but before she could refuse, the red liquid had already spilled onto Shannon's chest.

The glass shattered into pieces, and in panic, Shannon stepped on those shards causing herself fall off from chair.

"Ranita!! What are you doing?!" At this moment, Brendon's cold voice rang out, making the women shiver involuntarily.

"Shannon, you okay?" he asked while helping her put his coat around her shoulders.

"Brendon, I... I'm fine," she said through teary eyes, pouting slightly, "It was my fault. Ranita is angry because of me. I wanted to apologize but things got worse instead."


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