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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 73

Chapter 73 The Soup

During the car ride, Ranita reclined with a pallid face, perspiring from the agony.

"Ranita, can you hold on?" Steve noticed Ranita's condition through the rearview mirror, his usual composure now replaced with tension. He pressed harder on the gas pedal.

"Dr. Pearson, my stomach is hurting! What should I do? Is the baby alright?"

"Don't be silly! You and your baby will be fine!" Steve wasn't one to make hasty promises as a doctor, but he couldn't help it when it came to Ranita.

"Really? Dr. Pearson... you're incredible... if you say everything is okay, then it must be!" Ranita's head spun, momentarily forgetting that Steve wasn't an obstetrician - he couldn't guarantee anything!

Despite the pain, Ranita remained conscious when they arrived at the hospital. The cause of her abdominal discomfort might have been the Poria Soup she consumed, which pregnant women should avoid. Fortunately, she only had half a bowl.

After receiving an injection for pain relief, Steve arranged a temporary bed for Ranita to rest while Dylan rushed over anxiously.

"Ranita! You scared me!" Dylan hadn't answered his phone because he was out of town, but he managed to rush back, running three red lights and almost losing all his points!

Dylan scolded her, "It's not about losing points. How did you let it come to this? How many times have you been hospitalized recently?"

"Not that many..." Ranita wryly smiled at Dylan's exaggerated words. "This time was truly an accident. I didn't expect just half bowl of soup..."

When they mentioned the soup again later in their conversation, Dylan finally grew angry, "That woman Shannon must have done this on purpose!"


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