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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103 

Inside a luxurious private room at Red Carpet Entertainment City 

Kane, Seth, and some people who arrived early for the Friday banquet were all here

Kane, it’s already seven o’clock, where the hell is Damon?” 

Kane was lounging on the sofa, looking super chill with a cigarette in his mouth, like a laid back rich kid

No worries, he’ll show up sooner or later. He promised me. Have you ever seen him break a promise 

Well no 

But just because he hasn’t broken a promise before doesn’t mean he won’t this time I heard he’s been super busy lately.” 

Hearing this, Kane immediately stood up, looking pissed off

Since were all just hanging around, how about we make a bet? We’ll bet on whether Damon will show up or not. If someone wins by betting he won’t come tonight, I’ll call him daddy: What do you guys think?” 

Hearing Kane’s words, nobody dared bet that Damon wouldn’t come today 

Everyone knew that Damon and Kane had a great relationship

So, everyone agreed to Kane’s proposal 

However, Seth, who had been sitting quietly, smiled slightly, with his eyes revealing a playful look

7 think he might not come today” 

Seth, are you doing this on purpose just to mess with me?” 

Seth raised an eyebrow, and his face showed a faint smile 

He sat back down on the sofa, the smoke from his cigarette shrouding his deep gaze

At half past seven, Damon drove to Pinewood Manor, but his car suddenly stopped, making a harsh noise

As soon as he entered the mansion, the butler greeted him, looking very worried

7 had Miss Chloe go to her room to rest. She seems to have caught a cold and has already had some ginger tea.” 

Chloe drank ginger tea and lay in bed. Soon, her nose began to sweat

Damon stood by her bed, his face showing a cold expression

He undid the cufflinks on his shirt and sat down on the edge of the bed

As he sat, his strong breath invaded her nostrils

Her eyes were heavy, but she slowly opened them

Seeing the man beside her, her expression relaxed a bit


Her voice was very hoarse, and her breath was warm

Damon smiled slightly

It’s me.” 

His smile was somewhat cold

You’re very cautious.” 

Chice smiled faintly, her vision somewhat was blurry. She blinked, and her view gradually became clearer

She saw his eyebrows, deep eyes, tall nose, and thin lips

His features were exquisite


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