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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 112


Chapter 112 

His voice had a hint of huskiness and a nasaltwang, and his eyes were a bit glazed

In all honesty, he had looked at her several times. Each time, he thought she was dozing off, but soon enough, she would fight off the sleepiness and open her eyes, staring blankly at the alarm clock at his bedside, then stealing a glance at him

He didn’t understand why she was fighting it so hard, but now, it seemed he did

This woman

He put down the documents, picked up a glass of water, and swallowed the medication under her watchful eyes

Chloe ran her fingers through her hair, Are you sure you don’t want to catch some sleep? Honestly, pushing yourself to work right now is not as good as getting better first. You’d be more efficient then.” 

Over the years, working while sick had become a habit of hers

It’s okay Just a bit more work to finish. If I don’t get it done, I’ll be on edge.” 

The guy had OCD 

She sighed and retreated back to the couch

Damon raised an eyebrow; she was being quite obedient

By the time Damon finished reviewing the last document and looked up, she had dozed off for a while on the couch

She was lying sideways, her head resting on her arm, facing him

Her body was slightly curled up, and legs tucked in. The position causing her nightdress to ride up, revealing her pale legs

Damon’s gaze darkened a bit, as he rubbed his temples

This woman had no hidden agendas

He walked over, bending over to look at her. Her hair was covering most of her face, and her skin was pale, clean, and pretty

He couldn’t understand why Lance would let go of a woman like her

Just her looks alone set her head and shoulders above other women

Not to mention, she was such a cute girl

He raised an eyebrow slightly, perhaps it was a good thing that Lance let her go

Otherwise, he would have to spend time snatching her from him

He wrapped one arm around her neck and the other around her knees, gently lifting her

Her breaths were a bit heavy from being sick. Damon bent down to lay her on the bed, her lips brushing lightly against his cheek

He paused for a moment, looking at her, but she was deep in sleep

She probably only lets her guard down like this when she’s sick

Her breath smelled sweet; Damon kissed her lips

It was a passionate kiss

Perhaps it was a good thing that she didn’t get better instantly

When Chloe opened her eyes again, two hours had passed

She was a bit bewildered to find herself in bed

She remembered being on the couch before she fell asleep

She looked to the side. Damon was leaning against the couch, with his eyes closed, seemingly asleep

Her heart was a bit unstable

Sometimes, she really couldn’t figure this man out


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