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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 122


Chapter 122 

When he spotted the woman striding towards him, he was instantly spellbound, unconsciously gripping his drink tighter, and nervously gazing at her

Kera lifted her head almost at the same time, and when she saw Chloe, her coquettish and smug smile froze instantly 


Who is she? She’s beautiful 

Yeah, she’s got such an amazing aura 

Did you see her dress? That color is so unique, it looks amazing on her 

Chloe ignored the murmurs around her, sauntering ahead with a cold demeanor 

However, Kaira couldn’t just brush off these compliments 

She looked at Lance beside her, and sure enough, he was staring at Chloe, his eyes filled with an awe he couldn’t hide 

Looking around all the attention that had been on her was now on Chloe 

She bit her lip so hard, she almost crushed the wine glass in her hand 

As Chise walked directly towards her, Keirs swallowed her anger and managed to put on a emille 

Chibe you finally made it‘ 

She took a step forward, reaching out to grab Chloe’s arm, but Chloe dodged it coldly 

Keira’s hand hung in the air, her beautiful face showing embarrassment 

Chloe’s dark eyes gave her a glance that sent chills down her spine 

Snapping out of it, Lance also stepped forward, his awe mixed with complexity 

Having been in the business world for years, he had seen numerous beautiful women, but the sight of Chloe left him utterly astounded 

He always knew Chloe was beautiful, but over the years, he had somehow overlooked it

Chloe, you’re here.” 

Lance spoke, reaching out to hold her

A breeze scented with her perfume swept past him as the beautiful figure coldly walked past him

Lance stood frozen, his handsome face stiff

Chloe didn’t even spare him a glance, coldly brushing past him

In that moment, Lance felt a profound emptiness and fear

Chloe headed straight for the food area, parting the crowd as she walked

Rose Davis, standing by the buffet table, saw Chloe approaching and smiled slightly

Rose had always been a beauty, born into a good family, but unlike other pampered rich girls, she didn’t need coddling

Like Chloe, she exuded a strong presence, radiating the intellectual beauty of a career woman


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