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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 143


Chapter 143 

Chapter 143 

Chloe was still snuggled comfortably in Damon’s arms

From the moment they got in the car, their position hadn’t changed

They had left the hotel a while ago, and Chloe was lying comfortably in Damon’s arms, smelling his familiar scent and feeling very secure

Her nerves, which had been tense just a moment ago, had relaxed, and the alcohol seemed to dissipate even faster. Her temples were still throbbing, and she didn’t want to do anything 

with her head spinning

Are you feeling okay?” 

Damon suddenly spoke, his large hand stroking her hair as he asked softly

Chloe felt her eyelids getting heavy, so she leaned her head against the car window and nodded with her eyes closed


Damon lifted her head, and Chloe opened her eyes to look at him

The neon lights of the city outside the car window flickered inside, and her eyes were slightly red, filled with a sense of grievance

He felt sorry for her and pulled her back into his arms

Once again wrapped in his warmth, Chloe sighed gently, completely relaxed. The drunken headache made her head continue to spin, and her eyelids kept closing

Chloe nuzzled against his chest, letting out a satisfied sigh

Damon looked down at her, seeing her face flushed from the alcohol. Her once cold and tough demeanor had vanished, her hair slightly messy, scattered on her cheeks. Her long eyelashes trembled gently with each breath, looking very peaceful

The car continued to drive, and half an hour later, they finally arrived back at Pinewood Manor

Sir, we have arrived.” 


Damon glanced at Chloe, who seemed to have fallen asleep, and said, You can get out first.Although he was talking to Chloe, the driver Nate quickly opened the door and got out of the car

Damon reached out to fix Chloe’s hair, his fingers gently brushing her cheeks, We’re home.” 

Chloe’s eyelids fluttered, but she didn’t open her eyes. Instead, she settled even more comfortably in his arms, her hand on his waist, as if not wanting him to move

She was enjoying the warmth and didn’t want it to suddenly disappear

Damon looked at her hand on his waist and then at her sleeping so comfortably in his arms, and he couldn’t help but smile

Don’t want to get up?” 

Mmit’s nice here,Chloe replied groggily

Damon’s eyes deepened, and with only the two of them left in the car, the air was filled with a faint scent of alcohol and a woman’s fragrance

He reached out and lifted Chloe’s chin, his voice low and hoarse

What’s so nice about it?” 

Mmit’s warm here.” 

Chloe was now both drunk and sleepy, only able to hear Damon’s pleasant voice in her ears as she instinctively answered

Her hand slid across his chest, echoing her words


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