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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 148


Chapter 148 

Chapter 148 

Damon, let’s be together.

Upon hearing this, Damon’s eyes showed emotions as deep and intense as ink

Chloe squinted at him, not missing a single twitch of his expression

His face was too stoic, giving no hint of what he might be thinking

What, you don’t want to?” 

Chloe’s grip on his shirt started to loosen

She really couldn’t figure out what was going on in his head

Just as she was about to pull her hand back, he tightly grasped it

And then, she was yanked and pulled towards the door

She was a little lost for a moment

Damon, what the hell are you doing?” 

We’re going to get married.” 

Chloe’s heart skipped a beat

This guy, can he be so blunt?! 

As they were passing through the door, Chloe grabbed onto the door frame

Damon had no choice but to stop and turn to look at her

Chloe couldn’t help but laugh, When did I agree to marry you?” 

Just now.” 

Chloe looked at him and laughed, I only agreed to your proposal for a relationship, Mr. Harper.” 

Damon was not pleased, That’s the same as agreeing to marry!” 

Chloe leaned against the door frame, looked up, and laughed, In your dreams! You’ve only been dating me for a week, and you’re already trying to skip the process and jump straight to marriage?” 


Chloe leaned her head back against the door frame and sighed softly

I may be 26 and at the right age to get married, but don’t I deserve to experience dating first?” 


Damon was slightly taken aback. The concept was new to him

Fine, let’s date.” 

Chloe smiled and nodded, then cleared her throat and said, Okay, starting from today, I’ll be working. Call me if you need me, and think of me if you don’t. Because of work, I might be busy, soI’m moving out!” 

Damon’s face gradually got more serious as she spoke

Move out? No way!” 

So, you’re refusing to date me?” 

Damon pursed his lips, You staying here doesn’t conflict with us dating.” 

Damon looked at the woman leaning against the door frame. Her lazy smile got on his nerves

He slowly approached her

Chloe’s playful look faded a bit, replaced by a hint of nervousness

With a slight smile, Damon leaned in towards her

His handsome face just inches away from hers, their breaths intermingling once again


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