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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 150


Chapter 150 

Chloe didn’t turn Damon down. If he wanted to hunt for a house, she was gonna let him do his thing

She just thought that Pinewood Manor was kinda far from her work

For all these years, she’d gotten used to the fastpaced modern life. Pinewood Manor was just the place she longed for, but now wasn’t quite the time to kick back and enjoy life

Chloe was prepared for the gossip from her new colleagues

But surprisingly, the company threw her a little welcome ceremony 

Chloe felt a bit awkward, not really used to this much warmth

Rose Davis noticed her reaction, gave her a pat on the hand and said, Alright, I hereby announce that Chloe is now the Leader Perfumer of Spotlight Beauty, and Sara, you’re gonna be the Assistant to the Leader Perfumer.” 

Understood, Ms. Davis.” 

A girl in a light blue dress stood up with a smile, shook hands with Chloe, and said, Hello, I’m Sara Gentry.” 

Hello,Chloe responded nonchalantly

Rose Davis continued, Chloe’s new here, so I hope you all can help her get settled in. As for the welcome dinner, we’re gonna have to postpone it! We’re swamped at the moment! Now, notify the management group that we’re having a meeting in the main conference room! Chloe, you should come too.” 


In the conference room, Rose Davis took the head seat

The meeting was about the soontobecompleted large shopping mall in the north of the city by The Harper Group

But when Rose Davis raised her question, the whole room fell silent

Chloe knew what caused this

Even though Spotlight Beauty had a decent reputation, its scale was just too small. It couldn’t even compete with some domestic brands, let alone the international ones

Moreover, The Olson Group was dead set on moving into The Harper Group’s shopping mall

Everyone in the room probably thought that Rose Davis’s decision was just a waste of time and energy

Everything was against them. From any angle, Spotlight Beauty seemed to stand no chance


Rose Davis leaned back in her chair, her head down and her hands on her forehead. Chloe could see the tension on her face

Chloe glanced at her, stayed silent for a bit, then started speaking

Let’s analyze this situation, shall we?” 

Everyone in the room turned their heads to look at her

Even Rose Davis lifted her head, looking at Chloe in hope


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