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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 153


Chapter 153 

After the office door automatically closed, Chloe just stood there without moving

Damon gave a slight smile, looked up at her, and asked slowly, What brings you here?” 

Chloe also smiled and said, Your assistant made a point to mention that you’re working late tonight and might not have time for dinner. My new apartment is just a 10minute walk from 

your company.” 

Damon’s gaze fell on the insulated lunch box in her hand, and his eyes twinkled

After some thought, Chloe decided to bring the lunch box into the office and set it on the coffee table

Remember to eat some. I’ll get going now.” 

Chloe gave a small smile and turned towards the door

As she was about to open it, a large hand reached over her head and closed the door again

A familiar yet indifferent scent surrounded her, and a tall figure leaned against her back

You just got here, and you’re leaving already?” 

Chloe replied, Am I not bothering you?” 

Yes, you are.” 

The man’s deep voice fell from above her head, sounding rather annoyed

All those sweet nothings from before were just empty words, huh

Chloe tried to open the door again, but the man’s hand remained above her head, keeping the door shut

Suddenly feeling a hand on her abdomen, Chloe was tightly embraced from behind by the man

His deep voice sounded in her ear, accompanied by his breath

1 like being bothered by you.” 

The man turned her around to face him, his eyes smiling as he gazed at her intently

Chloe looked up at him and noticed how clear the black and white in his eyes were, with a few faint red lines surrounding the inky black pupils

Her heart skipped a beat, and her look softened

You’re right. Since I’m already bothering you, let’s eat first.” 

Are you worried about me?Damon saw the subtle expression on her face

Chloe shook her head, No.” 

Damon chuckled softly. You’re lying.” 

Alright, let’s have dinner.” 

Chloe pushed him towards the couch

She sat beside him, watching him eat in leisure

Handsome people could look good even when eating

Time passed quietly as Damon put down the fork and took a sip of water from the cup beside him

Chloe looked at the plates. Barely half of the food had been touched. She sat up straight and asked with a frown, Don’t you like it?” 


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