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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 155


Chapter 155 

At first, she woke up alert, but when she saw Damon, she relaxed again

Are you done with your stuff?” 


Damon answered indifferently, looking down at Chloe’s sleepy face. The progression of her expression from alertness to relaxation made his heart flutter

He couldn’t help but lean down and give her a peck on her lips

You go back to sleep.” 


Chloe hummed softly, raised her arm, and hugged Damon’s neck, burying her face in his neck

Her warm breath brushed on his skin like a feather, and her delicate scent and soft posture made Damon feel content

Nate’s car was waiting downstairs. Seeing his boss carrying a woman out of the building, he was a bit surprised

He didn’t expect Miss Chloe to come looking for his boss at the company 

Nor did he expect his boss to walk out of the company carrying Chloe so openly

But Nate quickly opened the car door and carefully ushered them into the car

With no further instructions, Nate drove straight to Emerald Valley Estates

Damon brought Chloe to the 16th floor, entered the password, and went straight to the bedroom

Everything went smoothly

Rolling over in bed, Chloe woke up when she realized it was no longer on a man’s chest she rested

Damon sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her with tender eyes

Chloe lay on her back, looking back at him

After a while, she finally spoke, How did you get in?” 

Damon smiled, Password.” 

Chloe blinked, marveling at the convenience of electronic locks. No need for spare keys any more

So, youyou’re not going to live here too, are you?” 

Do you want me to?” 

Chloe shook her head

She wasn’t ready for them to live together after knowing each other for just a few days

Damon didn’t seem angry, as if everything was within his expectations

Since you’re awake, go take a shower and then go back to sleep. I’m leaving.” 

Chloe looked at his tired eyes and felt a little heartache

She hesitated for a moment, but still said

It’s so late, why don’t you… 

It’s fine.” 

Damon suddenly interrupted her, taking Chloe by surprise

Don’t worry about me. Although I really want to stay here, I know that if I do, something might happen that even I can’t predict.” 

Chloe was deeply moved by his consideration

Damon leaned down and kissed her forehead, then gazed at her, his voice low and enchanting

Good night.” 


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