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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 161

Chapter 161 

But she still hung up the phone

Damon Harper, who just got off the plane and got into the car, knotted his brows when the call was cut off

Did she fall asleep

But that hang up was pretty quick

Staring at his phone for a few seconds, he decided to give up calling her when his phone suddenly rang again

It was a video call

Damon’s face instantly relaxed, and his long fingers swiped across the screen to answer the call

The woman’s beautiful face appeared on the small phone screen

Did you just get off the plane?A familiar and crisp voice rang out brightly

“YeahDamon replied softly, his eyes fixed on the woman’s face

Chloe Summers could see Damon’s exhaustion, and her heart sank a bit, Then you should go back to the hotel and rest for a while.” 

After a few seconds of silence, Damon spoke again slowly

Did you miss me?” 

Chloe hesitated for a moment, blushing a little, You’ve only been away for less than a day” 

But I missed you.Damon stared at her, I’ve been missing you since you got out of the car” 

Chloe didn’t speak for a while, because she didn’t know what to say. She just felt her face flushing with embarrassment and her heart 

“… You’re exaggerating!” 

That’s your charm.” 

Chloe was choked by his words and didn’t know how to respond. After a while, she said

*Remember to eat when you get to the hotel.” 

Okay. I’ll be busy for the next few days, so take care of yourself and wait for me to come back.” 

Okay Chloe’s chin rested on her knees, listening to Damon’s low and pleasant voice, and nodded gently

Even though the conversation was over, neither of them hung up the phone

The two stared at each other quietly for a long time before Chloe finally hung up the phone with a flushed face

Afterward, she held her phone and went back to the bedroom

She knew that there was a time difference between the U Country and her home country. Damon couldn’t rest for long, and their time difference would be off in the next few days, so they could only not contact each other during this time


Chloe was taken to the airport early in the morning by Rose Davis

Winston’s return to the country was very secretive, but still, quite a few fans received the news and rushed over

But there were also hundreds of fans who crowded around, and security was dispatched to maintain order

They were energetic young girls, some shouting Winston’s name excitedly, loudly proclaiming their love, and some even crying on the spot

Countless hands reached out towards the center, along with flowers, dolls, and various gifts

Chloe regretted not wearing an extra coat today. She was afraid of this situation, and if she really went out to pull Winston away, she would probably be beaten up by this group of fans first! 

The scene was crazy

The frenzied crowd moved along with the person in the middle

The man in the middle was tall and slender, dressed in black, with chiseled features, protected 


No wonder he’s a movie star, his aura is very strong!” 


several assistants, and expressionlessly 

for photos with fans holding phones and 

Rose gritted her teeth and said, and as Chloe turned her head to look at her, she had disappeared


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