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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 193


Chapter 193 


Cause that way, I won’t look so pathetic. At least in other people’s eyes, I’m not the one who got dumped” 

Damon’s hand suddenly stopped, his eyes fixed on her, silently waiting for her to continue 

Chloe stared back at Damon’s eyes and slowly said

You’re destined to stand on top, born to be the center of attention. Your life is almost perfect, and there’s so little I can do for you. The least I can do right now is not be a stain in your lifeDamon’s heartbeat was almost deafening, followed by a wave of subtle pain

His hand holding her head kept changing in tightness, while his other hand clenched into a fist 

So, the reason she agreed to Carolina’s request and endured all the bullying and humiliation tonight, all the patience and even the final counterattack, was all for him… 

He had been watching her every move from the outside, thinking he had seen through her tricks, and silently chose to go along with her 

He thought showing up when she needed him the most would be such a relief for her

He was still unhappy with her decision to let herself be bullied tonight… 

But it turned out he was just too foolish 

Why would you think that? I don’t care about those things.. 

1do!Chloe suddenly said, Damon, I care. I don’t want to be a burden to you. I’ll work hard to be the best version of myself, to be a woman worthy of you. So you can move forward without worrying about me” 

No way!” 

The next second, she felt a sting on her lips as Damon suddenly kissed her with astonishing force 

1 can’t leave you Remember, I won’t… 

Chloe’s throat suddenly surged with a strong sourness, her eyes filled with a hot stream, blurring her vision… 

  1. believe you” 

She squeezed out those three words from her sour throat

Damon smiled slightly, giving her a gentle kiss

‘7’ll take you home.” 


Emerald Valley Estates

Damon brought Chloe home, standing at the door, looking down at her inside the door who was smiling and looking up at him

Are younot letting me in?” 

Chloe smiled and waved her phone in front of Damon’s eyes

It’s getting late

I’m not in a hurry.” 

It’s already past nine, and you’ll probably get back to Pinewood Manor after ten.” 

Damon was silent for two seconds, then suddenly said

‘I’m hungry.” 

Seeing Chloe’s puzzled eyes, Damon added, I went to meet you right after getting off the plane.” 

Chloe frowned slightly, and finally stepped aside to make room

Come in.” 

Damon smiled and entered the room without any hesitation

Damon was indeed hungry, he ate lots of food

After finishing, he didn’t think about staying any longer

He could see the fatigue on Chloe’s face, and he had indeed been on a plane for more than ten hours


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